Friday, December 24, 2021

Oh, by Gosh, by Golly

Was it not Marxist netroots and criminal activists within Antifa and BLM who popularized wearing of face masks when plundering and burning hundreds of America’s neighborhoods? Was it not this same type of social deviants who made mask wearing vogue while partaking in carjackings and smash-and-grab robberies? Could it be that these champions of criminal coteries could then wreak destruction on private property under the cover of anonymity and that way never be nailed for their criminal acts?

Was it not Dr. Anthony Fauci, the featured star on the televised White House Task Force on Covid-19, and others of his ilk who adapted the Antifa and BLM face-hiding masks for the masses when the pandemic initially kicked in? Then along comes Dr. William Schaffner, not to be confused with Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. Dr. Schaffner, a physician who regularly appears on CNN is apparently urging everyone to wear masks at home on Christmas, regardless of vaccination status. Furthermore, the CNN Covid talking head also recommended “people get tested on Christmas Eve morning or Christmas morning before gathering with family.” 

Oh, by gosh, by golly, it’s no longer time for mistletoe and holly’, but time to wear face masks at Christmas, regardless of vaccination status. Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of government mandated masking, slaves to decreed vaccine passports or pillaging, looting and heists by Antifa, BLM, Carjacker, and Smash-and-Grab reprobates?


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