Monday, June 20, 2022

Warning! Proabortion Activists Unmistakable Evils

The radical left pro-abortionists, be they politicos or activists simply do not think about decency or morality like America’s moral majority. All they think is that the ends justify the means. They’re malefactors, and hooligans that will stop at nothing in the name of their agenda. Within their ranks are people and groups who advocate radical measures to effect change in the established order, Sadly, I fear escalation in the days, weeks, and months to come. Because no matter how often we are warned about the radical Left and the unspeakable evils they’re capable of, their actions will always speak louder than their words. Should we pity those immoral wrongdoers who advocate abortion or harming, or deriding and threatening those who oppose it? I do pity them. They are the most confused they will ever get because when they try to convince their heart and spirit of something their mind knows is a falsehood. It is a given that people pay for what they do, and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they will pay for it very simply; by the lives they lead and the innocent blood they took and the lives they ruined. We have been forewarned in biblical scripture that the wages of sin one of the profoundest truths of the world. Sin is a master of his servant and pays wages. But the gift of God is eternal life. Is there still hope? Fortunately, God gives to those who turn from sin, life eternal.

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