Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Why Start with The Truth Part 2 of 2

What was delineated in part 1 of 2, in a nutshell, is the problem. Are you surprised? Are not leftists inclined to be attracted toward government in the first place because it’s where they can go to control other people? Do you suppose they do not want to put in the difficult tasks of supplying and delivering products and services that people of their own accord buy? Many people are of the same mindset as I. They don’t want to bring into existence or construct. They would rather take over what others built.

At the same time, this utter lack of real-world experience is shocking for an administration committed to its “American Rescue Plan” and to the nonsensical arrangement to “Build Back Better.” Should not these people at least have had a real job? Could wokeness be a big part of the problem? Some people to include myself believe that the Biden officials are more interested in pursuing social policy objectives than growing the wealth, and resources, and ensuring prosperity of America’s citizens.” Why start with the truth? The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to anything good.  

So, I ask you the reader, is wokeness, like occupational experience a big part of the problem that continues to plague Biden’s administration. Let us look no further than his choice of appointees. Rather than choosing qualified individuals for the job, Biden used skin color and gender confusion as his most important benchmarks, starting with Kamala Harris. He painted himself into a corner by promising to choose a woman of color as his running mate. Besides those two diversity boxes, Harris provides no reason to be a heartbeat away from the presidency while serving under a president who may only be one complete pulsation of the heart away from the sepulcher... Cecilia Rouse, chair of Council of Economic Advisers, has zero business experience. But she is a woman of color. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has four years of experience in business, but no background in transportation or logistics. But he is a gay man. OMB Director Shalanda Young never had a real job. But she is another woman of color. Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, is a lifetime academic and public servant with no business experience. But she is a woman. John Kerry has spent his entire life in the Swamp and has no background in anything to entitle or certify him to be climate czar. But he did marry a ketchup heiress... The list goes on and on as does the zero, zip, no, nada, nein job experience. Most of the business experience White House officials do have is venture capitalism. Do you suppose that explains why they treat our tax dollars as fodder for a venture government enterprise?

We are told we should always allow some time to elapse, for time discloses the truth. Hence the truth follows: When Joe Biden took office, the nation’s economic recovery from the government’s pandemic proper and legal behavior was not assured. In fact, aside from fighting off Coronavirus itself, stewarding the economy was the most important job. There is little doubt, Biden was not up to the task, and, though that was painfully obvious before his victory, millions of Americans didn’t care. They just wanted someone who didn’t “mean-tweet.”

So, here we are. Recession is upon us. Inflation continues to hasten. According to Biden, “There’s nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way,” Additionally he stated, “I don’t know anybody who’s worried about inflation.” If that was true, it was due to surrounding himself with economic neophytes, dolts, leftist ideologues and like organizations. The trouble is that Biden administration ineptitude isn’t just fodder for MSM and social media analysis and or opinions. It worsens the economic weight crushing the American Dream. Until our fellow Americans put two and two together and elect an incongruent administration not only with some idea of what it’s doing but with the right ideas, this dissatisfaction, better stated, malady will persist. The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. Final thoughts: In the words of Abrahan Lincoln, “Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Those of us who prefer liberty and justice under a Constitutional Republic as framed by our Founding Fathers, should never be afraid to raise our voice for honesty, truth, and compassion. Exactly what is well-defined constitution that limits the power of the government and elected officials and also sets out basic structures, laws, and procedures under which the country is to be governed. The constitution must also explicitly specify the rights of the people and is intended to be followed precisely as the people who framed it intended. All legislation is also subject to judicial review, which can void any laws that are not in line with the constitution. In this type of government, the officials are also subject to review, and they can be removed from their positions if they do anything illegal or fail to live up to their duties as specified under the constitution.

Today is the time to make our voices heard. Every day that passes it becomes more apparent we must stand together and defeat America’s enemies. Who is the enemy and where do they come from? America’s present adversaries come from within our own borders. One has to look no further than our current left leaning national, state, and local leadership and national organizations and persons who prop them up. If America is to continue to be a Constitutional Republic, we must do what is needed to hold the line against socio-political and economic systems who would lead us down the road to collectivism, wok’s illogical reasoning, violation of rights, lying, avarice... If liberty minded citizens all across our nation would but hold the line it would change the direction from which we now find ourselves marching. Every day, every election cycle becomes a battlefield for America’s soul. Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the evil one’s schemes.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Why Start with The Truth Part 1 of 2

The biggest questions facing U.S. citizens today might just be this: Is Joe Biden “dropping the ball” or “laying an egg” with the intention of screwing up America? You have to start with the truth. Why start with the truth? For the reason that honesty, certainty, and reality cohere with the state of being true. Any decision making that is based on lies, half-truths and ignorance can’t lead to a good ending.

By outward appearances, President Biden, his cabinet, and his political appointees know not what they are doing. Or could the riposte be a little bit of both? There is little doubt, the “Great Reset” is a deliberate target of committed rabid leftist, for whom Biden is merely a cognitively challenged marionette. This cadre of Marxist-Woke influence “public servants” are committed to an ideology that places government authority and control at the front and center over nearly every facet of life.

Still, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is full of people who are clueless as to what they’re doing. Why? Because they have literally zero, zilch, nil, nada, nein, experience outside of government jobs or academia. As per a report by economists Stephen Moore and Jon Decker, titled, Not Ready for Prime Players.  The following executive synopsis enumerates the key details of the “survey of the top 68 officials in the Biden administration, starting with the president himself”: 62% of Biden appointees who deal with economic policy, regulation, commerce, energy, and finance have virtually no business experience; Only one in eight has extensive business experience; Average business experience of Biden appointees is only 2.4 years; Median years of business experience is zero; The vast majority of the Biden economic/commerce team members are professional politicians, lawyers, community organizers, lobbyists, or government employees.”

The above-mentioned economists also compared the Biden administration’s business experience to President Trump’s cabinet officials during his last year in office. They found that the average Trump cabinet member had “13 years of business experience, and the median years of experience was 8. Furthermore, Donald Trump had 45 years in business, his Commerce Secretary 42 years, Energy Secretary 14 years, Small Business Administration administrator 18 years, Treasury Secretary 25 years, Secretary of State 14 years, Secretary of Agriculture 27 years, Education Secretary 23 years.” The result was a vibrant economy that lifted all boats. Sadly, the economic sunshine of the Trump years is a faded memory now that the radical left, SJW’s, “Wokelings”, and dare I say, “New World Orderlies” are at the helm of our floundering nation.

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Left Have Made it Plain

The “Big Guy” and his anthropomorphic like group of handlers on the Left have made it plain that they intend to liquidate fossil fuel production in America. Let alone, that the dubitable green energy infrastructure to supplant fossil fuels is nowhere to be found. If it existed, it is not in place and would never match the America’s energy requirements even if it were. Never mind that the economy will be severely disrupted, and tens of millions of America’s citizens will suffer the backwash or consequences.

Remember the “Big Guy’s” first day in office? If memory serves me right, he killed the Keystone XL pipeline. The “Big Guy” has consistently done everything possible to incapacitate oil and gas suppliers. Naturally, the market responded in kind with high gas prices, high inflation, and dare I say, likely recession sooner than later. The “Build Better Biden” has blamed essentially everyone except himself and the Pope for a mess of his own making.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Independence Day 2022 Message

Joseph Warren, a physician and one of the Sons of Liberty offered these words: "Ease and prosperity (though pleasing for a day) have often sunk a people into effeminacy and sloth. The man who meanly will submit to wear a shackle, condemns the noblest gift of heaven, and impiously affronts the God that made him free."

Now, I ask the reader, why do you suppose the first generation of American Patriots would forgo the "ease and prosperity" for the animating contest of freedom? Could the answer to that question define the spirit of American Patriotism then, and dare I say, now?

Think about this, many of us are the ideological lineages of those who once pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Just as our forefathers were, we must be willing to "support and defend" liberty at all costs. It is not a calling for those who "love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom." As for the circumstances today, in a nation under siege by the enemies of liberty within, those in command and control of the Democrat Collectivist Party.

Recall the words of George Washington in 1777, when the obstacles to American Liberty seemed insurmountable: "We should never despair, our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times." Likewise, the aforementioned, Dr. Joseph Warren wrote: "Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend on the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves."

To avoid the tunnel vision associated with the leftist siege, and the incessant tendered disinformation, misinformation, indoctrination, propaganda... from leftist media Macaws or talking heads and illuminators we must never lose sight of so much that is good and right about our Republic. History tells us the trials and tribulations we endured, and the lessons learned. We understand that restoration and preservation of Liberty is a generational process and never rests on one political campaign or cycle. We know we are on the right side of history when the other side constantly endeavors to undermine Liberty.

President Ronald Reagen once stated; "America's best days are yet to come. Our proudest moments are yet to be. Our most glorious achievements are just ahead." Let us not fool ourselves. Understand there is no rest for Patriots. 

Patriots, remember who we are together and from what stock we came. We are sons and daughters from all walks of life, heirs to the blessings of Liberty bequeathed to us at great personal cost by our forebears, confirmed in the opinion that it is our duty to God and Country to extend that blessing to our posterity. We are bound by our "sacred honor" to that end. We will prevail, come hell or high water. We will never give up. We will never give in. Be buoyed by the remarkable power that has enlivened and invigorated Patriots from the dawn of our nation, who understood, as George Washington declared, "Our cause is noble; it is the cause of all mankind."