Monday, July 11, 2022

The Left Have Made it Plain

The “Big Guy” and his anthropomorphic like group of handlers on the Left have made it plain that they intend to liquidate fossil fuel production in America. Let alone, that the dubitable green energy infrastructure to supplant fossil fuels is nowhere to be found. If it existed, it is not in place and would never match the America’s energy requirements even if it were. Never mind that the economy will be severely disrupted, and tens of millions of America’s citizens will suffer the backwash or consequences.

Remember the “Big Guy’s” first day in office? If memory serves me right, he killed the Keystone XL pipeline. The “Big Guy” has consistently done everything possible to incapacitate oil and gas suppliers. Naturally, the market responded in kind with high gas prices, high inflation, and dare I say, likely recession sooner than later. The “Build Better Biden” has blamed essentially everyone except himself and the Pope for a mess of his own making.

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