Wednesday, March 22, 2023

What Are They Trying to Hide

What are they trying to hide? The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ),  an organization dedicated to the defense of Constitutional liberties secured by law... “exclusively obtained critical records showing that senior officials, including someone who is now a “principal advisor” to Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, worked through the night to get the press release on the capture of Yemini terrorists crossing at the U.S. southern border scrubbed, coordinating efforts with unknown senior FBI and Customs and Border Protection officials.”

Back story follows: Following a major document dump against Biden’s surreptitious network of especially nonelected government officials and more than likely, yet unknown private entities, operating extralegally to influence and enact government policy, that includes senior Staff Officials closely tied to HS Mayorkas and Yemeni terrorists caught after crossing the border, details of which were reported and later expurgated. Why did these yet named, Senior Biden Officials attempt to censor the details squash the incident by redacting the details reference, the Yemeni terrorists caught crossing the border? Could it be the yet named officials were doing everything they could to keep America’s citizenry from knowing the truth? It is also purported that unknown officials at the highest level of the FBI were involved. This being the case, why not identify the officials by name. They remain unidentified because the Biden Deep State redacted their names. If the allegations made by ACLJ are indeed factual, do you the reader, suppose, there is something rotten in Washinton, DC? By withholding the truth, what could the Deep State hope to accomplish other than digging a deeper hole for themselves. Fact is that’s’ exactly what the ACLJ lawsuit uncovered. Now ALCJ is going back to court in this case. Why? For the reason, that not even President Biden does not get to pull the wool over the American people’s eyes. Lest we forget, if someone pulls the wool over your eyes, they deceive you in order to prevent you from discovering something. What is that something?

At the helm of Biden’s DHS, Mayorkas has utterly neglected his duty by not having any sort of answer regarding the location of suspected terrorists caught attempting to infiltrate our southern border.  Question! Is the open border a joke or a game? I am of the opinion that neither is a joke or game.  Allowing unvetted or inadequately vetted illegal aliens into America is irresponsible at best and is deliberately gambling with American lives. 

Does not Biden’s weak border policies allow cartel smugglers of drugs and potential terrorists the opportunity to exploit an underdefended southern border and, as a result, American citizens are being exposed to increased risk of potential terrorist attacks? That being said, the ramifications of the Biden administration’s open-border policies have already been exposed. If terrorists can easily pose as asylum seekers and abuse the laws so egregiously, it raises the question: How many domestic terrorist attacks are currently being planned? How many Americans will die as a result of these intended terrorist attacks? This writer fears more will depart this life in the near future than those souls who perished on 9/11. Simply stated, Biden’s border crisis is not just a border calamity, nor just an illegal immigration problem. It’s the most evident, preventable national security threat America currently faces. Now that the horse is out of the barn, what can we do about it?  

Monday, March 13, 2023

SVP Collapse a Portend of Things to Come

Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) collapse should be a “wake up” call for all Americans, be they Democrat or Republican about the sad state of the U.S. economy. Perhaps the American people will finally wake up and understand that we’re living in in a valley of unmitigated bad times, that, in fact, a recession may have previously started. Who knows? But it doesn’t look good.

I feel bad for all of these people that lost whatever money they had saved and or invested in this woke bank. More distressing still, was the fact SVB officials sold off their stock before the doors were shuttered. It’s both sad and, to an extent, par for the course. Who knows whether the DOJ will go after them or be apathetic? They’re a woke company, so I guess not. And they’ll probably get away with it.

The Fed keeps raising rates and inflation keeps going in a northerly direction (the wrong direction). It’s not staying where it should be. Why are our elected officials blind to the Middle- and Working-class struggles? People can’t pay their bills. They can’t fill their tanks with gas. And if you think that’s a good sign, you are either a radical left leaning ideologue, an idiot or asleep at the proverbial wheel.  I don’t think it is a good sign. And we have an administration that’s imperceptive as in unperceptive to this. They just keep talking about the great times and how good they are. It’s not good.

Opinionated Postscript: Today, 13 March 2023 it was Scranton Joe to the rescue of the five most dominate companies in the information technology industry, saving a business sector that provides major campaign backing for Democrats nationwide. Per President Biden: “No losses will be borne by the taxpayers. Instead, the money will come from the fees that banks pay into the deposit insurance fund. Because of the actions that our regulators have already taken, every American should feel confident that their deposits will be there if and when they need them.” 

To say it clearly and simply, the bailout comes from taxpayers, who pay increased banking fees to cover banks’ increased fees to the deposit insurance fund. Furthermore, the current administration has pushed many of these banks into being more concerned about global warming. … These banks are badly run because everybody is focused on diversity and all of the woke issues. Instead of protecting the shareholders and their employees, they are more concerned about the social policies. Additionally, it is apparent SVB’s risk management personnel spent too much time focused on woke “DEI" nonsense. The FDIC will reopen SVB under the auspiciousness of a larger, healthier bank, but for sure, American taxpayers will be paying for the losses of depositors who made bad business decisions to leave all their cash in one bank, uninsured.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Where does it Begin and How Does it End

It is apparent the likes of George Soros, Hansjorg Wyss, Klaus Schwab, Antonio Guterres, John Kerry, NWO and WEF billionaires, Globalists, Dark Money groups are buying off individuals within the ranks of the radical left, to include more likely than not some politicos in high places. Additionally, the already mentioned entities and groups are funneling megabucks, to include foreign money in our elections. Why would both the FEC and IRS decline to investigate the mounting evidence against the nemesis, mentioned? 

Unless one is brain dead, or lives off the grid, they in the least recognize the Soros name. On the other hand, every patriot, every conservative in the country knows of George Soros and the appalling effects his impact has had on America and other European governments. But when he was subsidizing, sustaining, and propping up leftist District Attorneys across the United States, few in the mainstream had caught on until it was too late. Now that they are embedded, how do we rid ourselves of these DA rogues, while in the meantime they push our cities, suburbs, and towns closer to societal implosion, collapse, insolvency, disintegration, ruination... etc.? Where does it begin? It begins by investigating Left wing organizations and the individuals tied to them and coordinating with likeminded attorneys general to shut them down. Whatever it takes, these rogue DAs must be recalled. For those who are waiting a sign from God before righting a wrong, remember this; "God provides the wind, but man must raise the sails." 

The Left does their most devious strategic planning behind closed doors, through layers of lies, and it’s up to you, me and the liberty minded electorate to expose them for who they are and defeat them. Lest we forget, there is some risk involved in action, there always is. But there is far more risk of failure to act. Why no one organization or top government official(s) or Chief Executive has yet to step up to the plate is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. Do you suppose we the people are the key? With God's help, we can be triumphant.