Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Where does it Begin and How Does it End

It is apparent the likes of George Soros, Hansjorg Wyss, Klaus Schwab, Antonio Guterres, John Kerry, NWO and WEF billionaires, Globalists, Dark Money groups are buying off individuals within the ranks of the radical left, to include more likely than not some politicos in high places. Additionally, the already mentioned entities and groups are funneling megabucks, to include foreign money in our elections. Why would both the FEC and IRS decline to investigate the mounting evidence against the nemesis, mentioned? 

Unless one is brain dead, or lives off the grid, they in the least recognize the Soros name. On the other hand, every patriot, every conservative in the country knows of George Soros and the appalling effects his impact has had on America and other European governments. But when he was subsidizing, sustaining, and propping up leftist District Attorneys across the United States, few in the mainstream had caught on until it was too late. Now that they are embedded, how do we rid ourselves of these DA rogues, while in the meantime they push our cities, suburbs, and towns closer to societal implosion, collapse, insolvency, disintegration, ruination... etc.? Where does it begin? It begins by investigating Left wing organizations and the individuals tied to them and coordinating with likeminded attorneys general to shut them down. Whatever it takes, these rogue DAs must be recalled. For those who are waiting a sign from God before righting a wrong, remember this; "God provides the wind, but man must raise the sails." 

The Left does their most devious strategic planning behind closed doors, through layers of lies, and it’s up to you, me and the liberty minded electorate to expose them for who they are and defeat them. Lest we forget, there is some risk involved in action, there always is. But there is far more risk of failure to act. Why no one organization or top government official(s) or Chief Executive has yet to step up to the plate is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. Do you suppose we the people are the key? With God's help, we can be triumphant.  


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