Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Protagonists Involved in The Assault on Life

I ask you, the reader, if a war is being waged on life? If so, who are the protagonists or central characters involved in this assault on life? Is the attack on life being led by a weak, aged antediluvian or geriatric leader and a party that has succumbed to "crazy"? More to the point: Does the “Big Guy”, his VP, Kamaka Harris and those personages, causes célèbres, panjandrums... representing the Big Guy’s party’s extreme left-wing, political views know if they can silence God’s Warriors, the Moral Majority, Pro-Life advocates, Constitutionalists... then there will be no one to halt the aforementioned radical leftist influencers from expanding abortion and slaughtering more innocent unborn babies.

Did not America’s Border Czar recently trash pro-life Americans, calling them “extremists” while defending abortion as a “fundamental freedom”? Furthermore, Harris, like other pro-abortionists ignores the fact that ending the life of an unborn baby in an abortion denies their fundamental freedom of the right to life that the Constitution protects for everyone.

We as God’s Warriors, the Moral Majority, Pro-Lifers, and Constitutionalists are the last line of defense for the unborn. You, me, or our children could be next. This coordinated, targeted effort by Biden's Deep State to threaten, harass, and intimidate pro-life advocates into submission before the cult of abortion is just the latest front in the war on the most innocent among humanity.

As I understand it, President Biden's anarchical plan to expand abortion starts with turning our Post Offices into an abortion pill dealer. It's a direct violation of federal law, but with Biden and his cohort’s demonical obsession with abortion, that doesn't matter. Well, it matters to me. Does it matter to you?

Concluding thoughts: Abortion is not health care; it’s ending a baby’s life. Lest we forget, Abortion today, our guns tomorrow and the dangers of a totalitarian government that rule through fear, surveillance, misinformation, disinformation, and indoctrination... could be in our future.

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