Monday, February 6, 2023

America is Being Assaulted by Whom and Why

I ask you, the reader, if the left has within its rank’s criminals, domestic terrorists, racists, gang members, radical activists... running amok resulting in violence and mayhem; videlicet rioting, destruction of property, maiming or killing innocent citizens while the media covers for them and blames law enforcement for the nation’s ills? Are some federal entities being used to harass and destroy conservative groups/organizations while at the same time they turn a blind eye and at times even appear to support leftist groups that are actively breaking the law? From my viewpoint what was once wrong is now alright. I see our society going to hell in a handbasket. Why? Have we not witnessed via MSM and/or social media crime being condoned, even praised for reasons of social justice? Have we not seen order assaulted by people in positions of authority, to include some left leaning politicos? Is this by design? Is this the goal of America’s adversaries from, both within and outside our borders? What say you?

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