Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Epitome of Absurdity or Lunacy

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with sex-related offenses and murder convictions are loose on the streets, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data provided to lawmakers this week. The data, as of "July 2024", is broken down by those in detention, and those who are not in detention, aka, the non-detained docket.  The non-detained docket includes illegal immigrants who have final orders of removal or are going through removal proceedings but are not detained in ICE custody. There are currently more than 7 million people on that docket.


The data says that, among those not in detention, there are “425,431” convicted criminals and “222,141” with "pending criminal charges." Those include “62,231” convicted of assault, “14,30”1 convicted of burglary, “56,533” with drug convictions and “13,099” convicted of homicide. An additional “2,521” have kidnapping convictions and “15,811” have sexual assault convictions. There are an additional “1,845” with pending homicide charges, “42,915” with assault charges, “3,266” with burglary charges and “4,250” with assault charges.

Some people, though I am, not one of them may be shocked to learn that the Biden-Harris dynamic duo has participated somewhat enthusiastically in releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens, some of which are probably terrorists, cartel members, sex traffickers... into our communities, but their own numbers conclusively prove this to be the case. Does this not defy common sense? Under President Biden and his ‘border czar,’ VP Harris, and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, have directed law enforcement to mass-release illegal aliens whom they know have criminal convictions or are facing charges for serious crimes. Moreover, these menacing, dangerous, and destructive deviants are making their way into every town, community and municipality and every state in America. How many more Americans need to ‘Buy the Farm’ or be victimized at the hands of an illegal alien, a foreign state sponsored terrorist and or geopolitical adversary before this administration is forced to abide by the laws they swore to uphold? Is this not the epitome of absurdity or lunacy? No civilized, properly governed and well-functioning society should tolerate what is taking place at our borders. If I am not mistaken, Border Czar Kamala has had nearly 4 years to protect America and failed. Has she not allowed tens of thousands of murderers and rapists to roam free? Does Kamala's actions or lack thereof paint a picture of one who puts criminals first and the safety and security of you and your family last. 

For more or less than a half-century, the criminal has been portrayed as a victim. Social scientists, criminologists, and mental health professionals and left leaning Democrats, to include Harris continue to characterize criminals as shaped by forces beyond their control. “Criminogenic” environments have long been cited as causal. The assertion is that turning to crime is understandable, even a normal response, if one grows up in a crime-infested neighborhood. Crime has also been attributed to poverty, the thinking being that people who are denied opportunity will seize what they need. And seize, the band of border hoards will, unless the swamp politicians and bureaucrats put a stop to this border imbecility.

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Worst Illiterate is The Politico Illiterate

Just thinking... The worst illiterate is the politico illiterate running for an office which she or he is unqualified to assume. The 2024 dynamic Democrat duo hear nothing, see nothing, obfuscate the truth by being evasive, unclear, or dubious in the telling of the facts. They take little to no interest in the consequences of their political decisions. He or she doesn't seem to know that the cost of living, the price of eggs, of flour, of rent, gasoline, medicines... all depend on political decisions. They even pride themselves on political ignorance.  One sticks out her chest, laughs like a hyena and says she dislikes MAGA conservatives. She, the know-nothing and her dolt running mate doesn't know, that from their political non-participation or political ignorance comes the prostitute, the aberrant illegal immigrant, sex exploitation of women and children, the abandoned youngster, the aborted child, the drug dealer, the thief and, worst of all, corrupt officials, the lackeys of exploitative multinational corporations, Big Tech, MSM... We have moved from an age in which government leaders sought to do what was best for the people to one in which the political leadership is convinced it knows what is best for the ‘People’ whether they like it or not. Lest we forget, the power to lead is the power to lead, and the power to mislead is the power to destroy.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Solemn Day in Commemoration

On this solemn day in commemoration of those who perished on the Islamic 9/11 attack. Let us pray for a spiritual and moral awakening that would make America “a tree planted by water” that “does not fear when heat comes.” And let us remember: Unless the “Lord holds the house. Those who build it labor in vain.” Who is building your “house” today? Moreover, who do we trust to ensure another 9/11 type attack by antagonists with malicious intent, be they foreign terrorists now within our contiguous border or enemies outside our national boundaries does not happen again. For those who fail to understand this warning, the bloody consequences will be on your hands. Are not Republics created by virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizenry? They fall when the wise are displaced from the public ruling body, because they dare to be honest and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, to betray them. However, the imminent domestic threat to our Constitution now is very deceptive, especially because the mainstream media and social media platforms where most people get their information are providing full cover for this political ruse. This domestic enemy’s threat to Liberty is being led by those who have forsaken their sacred oaths to support and defend our Constitution, in deference to their socialist political agenda. And that agenda is wholly antithetical to our Constitution and Liberty. The ramifications of the upcoming Presidential election will likely determine America’s destiny.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Just Thinking... The Questionable Ideologies of The Democrats New Dynamic Duo

Just thinking... My view of President Joe Biden’s leadership and that of Vice President Kamala Harris and her heir apparent VP, Tim Walz is one of trepidation, disappointment, godlessness, sorrow, Abbey Gate... Abbey Gate framing it as a divine judgment and a reflection of societal moral and leadership decline. The mentioned dynamic politico duo is revealing while America as a nation is reaping the consequences of its moral choices. Biden’s administration’s vocal support for questionable ideologies is emblematic of a society straying from biblical teachings. History tells the tale, when a society turns to sexual depravity, and a reprobate mind, God gives them up. If you follow that pattern, what you get is Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the likes of Tim Walz who are part and parcel the epitome of all those things just stated. The good news, societal redemption is possible, but only by returning to scriptural principles and genuine Christian conversion.

Monday, September 9, 2024

My Take on Recent Democrat Gaslighting

Why, if Biden is so fit and competent, did Harris not encourage him to continue his quest for a second presidential term? Furthermore, what does she have to offer the country that Biden doesn’t? Why did the White House and the Democrat power brokers gaslight the American public by tacitly recognizing that Biden is no longer mentally fit for office while at the same time claiming that he is “sharp as a tack” and fully capable of leading the country over the next several months. Moreover, there is also the matter of Biden essentially having gone mute since he terminated his campaign. Could the motive be twofold? Here’s my take based on personal observation: Harris is campaigning not as an incumbent, as one would expect of someone who’s held the second-highest office for nearly four years, but as an outsider. She’s trying to distance herself from her own record with Biden because it reminds Americans just how sorry the country has had it under both his and her leadership, or lack thereof. Secondly, their final objective toward which all their deceit, falsity, dissimulation, and willful deception of facts is directed to capture political power so that, using the power of the State, Mainstream Media, Big Tech... and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the citizenry in perpetual domination. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Just Thinking About the 2020 Presidential Election

Just thinking... No-one yet seems to know who the perpetrator(s) are who pulled the strings in the U.S. presidential elections of 2020, but somehow one person, Joe Biden became president and one woman, Kamala Harris became Vice President. Since their ascension into the DC power offices the following has transpired: either he, she or his/her puppeteers, be they domestic or foreign have cut off our energy supplies internally; persuaded us that we have to eliminate fossil fuels; convinced us that climate change is real; created a woke and weak military unable and unwilling to fight; created rampant inflation to lessen the value of America’s currency; opened the country to a tsunami of illegal immigrants and others of hostile intentions; Wars between nations are now running rampant; American Christians are being targeted for speaking about their faith, be word of mouth or prayer; The dynamic duo have championed biological males to compete against biological females; orchestrated riots and violent demonstrations in the streets... It’s time to make America Great Again.