Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Solemn Day in Commemoration

On this solemn day in commemoration of those who perished on the Islamic 9/11 attack. Let us pray for a spiritual and moral awakening that would make America “a tree planted by water” that “does not fear when heat comes.” And let us remember: Unless the “Lord holds the house. Those who build it labor in vain.” Who is building your “house” today? Moreover, who do we trust to ensure another 9/11 type attack by antagonists with malicious intent, be they foreign terrorists now within our contiguous border or enemies outside our national boundaries does not happen again. For those who fail to understand this warning, the bloody consequences will be on your hands. Are not Republics created by virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizenry? They fall when the wise are displaced from the public ruling body, because they dare to be honest and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, to betray them. However, the imminent domestic threat to our Constitution now is very deceptive, especially because the mainstream media and social media platforms where most people get their information are providing full cover for this political ruse. This domestic enemy’s threat to Liberty is being led by those who have forsaken their sacred oaths to support and defend our Constitution, in deference to their socialist political agenda. And that agenda is wholly antithetical to our Constitution and Liberty. The ramifications of the upcoming Presidential election will likely determine America’s destiny.

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