Sunday, October 20, 2013

Destruction Approaches While the Shepherds and Sheep Sleep - Part 1

 The next few blogs will be dealing with our battle against an ideological, theological and geo-political foe. One represents a painting of hate decorated by different nationalities who share a common ideology of hate and intolerance derived from one source: Islam. The other shares some similarities found in the painting but its evolution is systemic in nature and nurtured by indifference and denial.

The West and we in America, its citizens, our media and politicians alike have been wallowing in a state of ignorance, disinformation, shortsightedness, political correctness, indifference and denial for too many years. We simply do not understand the mindset and intention of our enemy. You ask, what enemy? The enemy is one that resides within our land and outside its borders. It is an enemy that is at war with Christianity (for that matter, any religion not of their persuasion), democracy and human rights.

The evil I speak of is the Muslim extremist who has and is perpetrating evil against innocent victims. He commits this evil in the name of Mohammad or Anwar al-Awalki or Bin Laden. You get the picture; the list of Islamic psychopathic terrorists bent on mayhem is seemingly endless. I do believe Islamic terrorists, both past and present were and to a large extent are all delusional if not borderline paranoia schizophrenic. They hid and are now hiding behind the cloak of Allah.

Why do they hate us? What have we done to offend the Muslim world? Simply put they hate us because we are defined in their eyes as 'infidels.' Under the banner of Islam, 'none is good except Allah; Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.' They murdered Jewish children in Israel, massacred Christians in Lebanon, killed Copts in Egypt, Assyrians in Syria, Hindus in India. You get the picture yet? They are miscreants, cowards and sexist's to the extreme. They masquerade as holy warriors who in reality are no more than barbarians with IQ's not much higher than a pig, who kill in the name of Allah.

Middle Eastern infidels have been paying the price for years. Now, infidels worldwide are paying the price for indifference and shortsightedness. What other religion films their disciples beheading priests, eating the hearts of an enemy, slitting the throats of adversaries, and stoning young girls? All these I have witnessed on the news or on various web sites. If you doubt my word, look for yourself. I caution those who search out the web sites. What they will witness will forever be imprinted in their minds eye.

Tolerating evil is a crime. Appeasing murders does not buy protection. It earns one disrespect and loathing in the enemy's eyes. Yet, apathy and political correctness is the weapon by which the West (which includes the United States), is committing what is tantamount to suicide. Political correctness along side apathy forms the cuffs that bind our wrists, by which Radical Muslims are leading us to our demise.

America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the enemy. The enemy is Islam. The President, his Western counterparts, elected officials, an apologetic media convey through spoken and written word that all other Muslims, are supposedly moderates. Closer to the truth are the pictures of irrational violence in reaction to published cartoons or caricatures of Muhammad or perceived slights of Islamic Law. Irrational acts committed by deranged disciples of Islam are becoming more commonplace in the West. Why, are we, as Americans, unable to see what is happening outside our own contiguous borders? Do you, our President, and media not realize Christians are being systematically killed, churches burned, and  people driven from their homes, all in the name of Islam? If you don't know, you do now. If the President does not know, there is a problem in Washington and it needs to be fixed now. If the media does not publicize it, they are not doing their job, they need to begin publicizing it now.

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