Sunday, October 27, 2013

Destruction Approaches While the Shepherd and Sheep Sleep Part 2

Have you ever wonder why our politicians, the mainstream media, and much of our population, to include Christian leadership have such a complacent attitude toward Radical Islam. Why do they and we, not confront Islamic forces of hatred? Does Islam not display a wanton disregard for individual liberties? Do they and we, not witness or hear of Islamic atrocities being committed against people of Christian faith somewhere in the world on a daily basis? The answers to these questions are yes.

The West and thus our nation's attitude has empowered our enemy to launch a full scale attack on the liberties free people cherish. You may ask, why would Islam want to attack and destroy us? Islam's grievance is the kindness and respect a man shows a woman, the justice practiced as equals under the law, and the mercies we grant our adversaries. Islam wants to subjugate the the West, and thus America, in order to impose their values and way of life on all non Muslims. They want to destroy all civilizations who do not recognize their God, Allah and his messenger Mohammed.

To destroy all civilizations, they must first target that civilization's Christian population. Muslims know that the West was founded, for the most part, on Christian principles. The Islamist knows that Christianity is the antithesis of Islam, therefore the jihadist must destroy all vestiges of Christianity to include all Christian believers. There is little doubt that jihad has been declared. Any public official or authority saying otherwise is either ignorant of world events, shortsighted or a fool. The slaughter of Christians has intensified, and the world watches, its leaders turn their heads, and the Christian's blood is spilled as if it were a sin offering. Our leaders appear to ignore the blood letting in order to appease those Muslims who will not be appeased. They are no better than those world leaders who ignored the Sudetenland invasion by the Third Reich in order to appease Nazi Germany and its leader, Adolph Hitler. How did that work out? Ignoring the facts resulted in little appeasement and millions of deaths. Has history not taught us anything?

Finally, a man who is both a patriot and political leader has stepped up to the microphone and expressed the views I hold, reference; the war on Christianity. Rand Paul stated during his address at the Values Voter Summit in Washington DC, October 11, 2013, that there is a "war on Christianity" that is being ignored by the Obama Administration and the mainstream media. From "Boston to Zanzibar, there's a worldwide war on Christianity."

"Christians are being attacked around the world, but you won't hear much about it on the evening news because the answer's not convenient, if it does not fit the narrative we have been told about radical Islam. The President tries to gloss over who's attacking and killing Christians. The media describes the killings as sectarian. But the truth is, a worldwide war on Christians is being waged by a fanatical element of Islam."

American tax dollars should not be appropriated to any country whose ruling government ignores those who wage war on Christians. As Rand Paul charged.."that's what's happening across the globe." As Christians, we should take a stand and fight against our tax dollars funding any country, for any reason that turns a blind eye to the persecution of Christians.

The destruction that approaches is Radical Islam and is aided by the silence of the Muslim community. The enemy has landed on America's shores. They now preach hate, recruit converts, condemn our religious beliefs, our laws and our way of life. They do this in our cities, our prisons and in their Mosques.

 I contend that those who remain silent, be it Muslims, political leaders, media, or the Christian Church itself while Christians are murdered and Churches burned are complicit by their silence

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