Saturday, November 2, 2013

Destruction Approaches While the Shepherd and Sheep Sleep Part 3

Proponents of  Islam are actively proselytizing across America's cities and towns in search of converts. Expose's have been written and documented on video about Islam extremists recruiting on street corners, prisons and American mosques. Muslim extremists are even  training for jihad in isolated areas of the United States. What we see and read daily about events occurring throughout the world as they relate to Muslim persecution of Christians should serve as a wake-up call for America and America's elected officials. At stake is the future of Christians, not only in the Middle East and North Africa but also, in America. The facts speak for themselves. Was it not Fundamental Muslims that flew planes into buildings and killed thousands? Have we not witnessed bombings in Boston which maimed and killed many innocent bystanders? Have we not heard of the beheadings and vehicular homicides perpetrated by Muslims in America? These crimes were committed in the name of Allah, Mohammed or honor. Who were these victims? The victims were wives, daughters  and neighbors. Their crimes? Wearing western clothing,socializing with non-Muslims, filing for divorce etc.

Does this mean all Muslims are bad? Not in the least. There are good Muslims. I grew-up with and were friends with many immigrants from Syria, Lebanon and Persia. Unfortunately, the percentage of Muslims who support the extremist's jihad against Christianity is high enough to warrant concern. The Muslim community's outcry against the type atrocities previously mentioned are practically non-existent. Again, their silence brings into question not only their loyalty to America but their collective conscious.

Both Christian and Muslim share a common thread. They both share a particular ideology or belief      
 if you will, "I'm saved and unless you believe as I do, your not saved." This is what we might call the pathway to the theology of hate  Within this framework of theology of hate, the Muslim or Christian maintains that "unless you become a Muslim or Christian, then you go to hell." The big difference is that the Islamist's feel they have "an obligation from Allah to dispatch you to hell."

I do believe that Radical Islam is the greatest peril to America and Christianity in America. A close second and closing fast is the Federal Government's intrusion into America's Christian based faith organizations, businesses and churches. The truth of the matter, if the push to force churches into positions compromising its rules of faith and practice succeeds, and the church capitulates, there is no church or church institution the government will not seek to control completely.  Essentially, there will be no separation of church and state. "The Christian view of the church is that it must act in freedom. It must be free to stand apart from government and act as the conscious of the state and its citizens." If the church does not rise up against the government's demands, what will become of Christianity, much less the Church in America?

Government intrusion into the affairs of the church poses a growing threat to church autonomy and most basic religious liberties to include "freedom of speech, freedom to exercise religious beliefs and freedom of access." In light of government intrusion, one has to wonder if some of our pulpits are being filled with ministers who are intimidated by threats, such as loss of tax exemption status? How many of America's pastors have stopped exploring the message of the scriptures as it relates to issues that might be considered "politically sensitive?" Across America, "churches are being denied access to public facilities that are available to private groups...denied public funds that other private  organizations can draw on to help the hurting and underprivileged...denied uses of suitable property through arbitrary land ordinances and zone restrictions." These type government roadblocks are increasing.

 I am of the belief that without the Christian Church and people of good faith everywhere in all denominations acting as the conscience of our nation, our constitutional Republic will cease to exist as we know it. It is time we and America's leadership awaken from our slumber. It is time for action. We can no longer remain silent.We must advocate for the persecuted church Write your government representatives  and demand they stand up for religious freedom not only in the U.S. but around the world. Do this as the election cycle nears.

I have some final thoughts to present, and you the reader to ponder. If the Church does not take an active stand against the forces of Islam it will suffer at the hands of the proponents of that theology. If the Church continues ignoring the threat of secular liberalism and and falls prey to the temptation of multicultural inclusion it will lose its autonomy. If the Church were to acquiesce to societal and governmental demands that run contrary to Biblical truths then it becomes irrelevant. In the words of Jesus Christ, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and render unto God that which is God's."

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