Sunday, November 10, 2013

Veterans Day Thoughts

Veterans Day, what does it really mean to most Americans? What does it mean to me?  And what does it mean to the readers of this blog?

My answer to the first question is wrought with uncertainty, doubt and some trepidation. I am unsure if mainstream America, mainstream media and a good many of her political leaders gives more than lip service to veterans and the day set aside to honor them.

I feel many Americans have pulled the welcome mat from under the Veterans feet. I see apathy setting into our communities consciousness as it pertains to commemorating Veterans Day. I ask myself, why apathy? Why this feeling of ambivalence towards the veteran? Look around! How many communities have planned or held events to honor America's veterans? And how many people attended these events? Undoubtedly, there are some communities who held or will hold commemorative events. But they are fewer in numbers than 10, 15, 20, 30 years ago. Why so few honor those veterans who served and are still serving this country is perplexing. Though, at the same time predictable. Too many people actually believe what they hear coming from mouths of the entertainment elite, some media moguls, liberal mal-contents and more than a few bureaucrats. It amazes me how many of these same people serve their own self-interests yet ignore the plight of our disadvantaged veterans. Did you know thousands of our vets are homeless and the rate increases exponentially on an annual basis. Thousands more are suffering from battle related injuries suffered while in the service of our nation.

Why do we, as veterans, remain silent when our hard fought interests are at stake? Remain silent no more. Our Constitution enables us to be heard. All we must do is speak. Tell others of your sacrifices both at home and abroad while serving in the armed forces. It is unconscionable that vets are homeless. It is a disservice by the government to make veterans wait, in some cases years to adjudicate service connected injuries. It is sadder still, that our wounded warriors and their families must depend on the generous donations of private organizations to sustain them and their families. Thank God for these organizations or some of America's finest could not make it. If we can give billions of dollars to foreign regimes who dislike America, why can't we first take care of our vets in need? I ask all readers to pose that question to your representatives in Washington.

I feel certain that many of America's veterans would have preferred staying home, living a life of leisure and leaving the battle field decision making to others. But, our veterans chose to lead and affect change however slight or great that change may have been. They, not the politician, not the bureaucrat, not the progressive elite were willing and did make the sacrifice.

To all Veterans, past and present, I salute you. To the American Veteran, the words "Duty, Honor, Country"  have significant meaning. God Bless America's Veterans.

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