Saturday, November 9, 2013

America's Pinocchio

I have come to realize over the past few months and especially the last few weeks that President Obama shares some similarities with the fictional Pinocchio. Pinocchio is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the children's novel The Adventures of Pinocchio. President Obama is the Commander and Chief of the United States. Pinocchio was created at the hands of a woodcarver  in a small village in Italy. Obama was born in either a small village in Kenya or somewhere else, yet to be substantiated. It all depends on who reads what and who you believe. Some literary analysts have described Pinocchio as an epic hero. Some left leaning liberals claim that Obama is in fact a hero. Both characters appear to experience rebirth' through metamorphosis, a motif found in fantasy, and  in Obama's case speculative narrative that is driven by the more progressive elements of this nation's multicultural leftist elite.

The zombie like masses of the left want to liken Obama to Pinocchio. That is, Pinocchio as envisioned by Walt Disney. Like Disney, the more liberal elements of the democratic party portray Obama as likable and innocent of deviant behavior. He can do no wrong and if a perceived wrong has been committed, it was the fault of someone else. Always somebody else. In reality, Pinocchio was written by Carlo Collodi not Walt Disney. Pinocchio was a character who was prone to telling lies and fabricating stories for various reasons. I suppose he was in many ways not unlike our current President and many in Congress. After all, both do stretch the truth to evade unwanted consequences. I know, many of my readers will accuse me of crossing that unseen line.

Let me remind the reader that after the NSA scandal broke, Obama denied knowledge of the event. He did the same for the "Fast and Furious" scandal, the" IRS Targeting" scandal , the "Benghazi" scandal and most recently the Affordable Care Act debacle. You know, "If you like it, you can keep it." Really, if we like our doctor or our insurance policy we can keep it? He even guaranteed us that our rates would not increase. He stated matter-of-fact "the rates will be lower."  The President in truth, either misinformed the American people out of ignorance or he misled us intentionally. I contend that President Obama misled the public and did so intentionally. Then again this is only speculation on my part.

Other character flaws that both Collodi's Pinocchio and Obama share are that both exhibit obnoxious, bratty, and selfish traits. If you are uncertain as to the validity of what I claim, read The Adventures of Pinocchio and watch some of Obama past press conferences or speeches. You can find plenty of them in the bowels of social media. Do that and you decide on the comparative analysis of behavior.

Now, for sure, there are distinct differences between the two characters. Pinocchio was a puppet and dreamed of being a boy. Obama is somebodies puppet who was a former neighborhood organizer who became a Senator that was placed in the White House. A socialist's dream come true. His dream, America's nightmare. When Pinocchio lies his nose grows longer. When Obama lies America's debt grows larger, our taxes increase, our individual freedom declines, and our nation grows weaker.

Pinocchio has been called an icon of modern culture and one of the most re-imagined characters in the pantheon of children's literature. Barack Obama has also been labeled by many as an icon for social change, redistribution of wealth, and government intrusion into individual lives. What is the biggest difference between the two? Pinocchio is a fictional character out of a children's storybook. Obama, on the other hand is a real person who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. One is depicted as a puppet turned child. The other often acts as a child but is supposedly an adult. One eventually admits to his failings, the other has no failings.

The big story is not Pinocchio, his dream of becoming a boy nor his deviant behavior. Is he not one man's thoughts put into words and printed on paper? Was Pinocchio not created to play a role in a book? The bigger story is Obama. Who is he? What motivates him to do what he does? Who writes his story lines"? Will the final chapter of Obama leave us in wonder or despair?  At present his role resembles that of a villain  in a Stephen King novel. Now, what are your thoughts? Do Pinocchio and Obama share some commonalities and where do the similarities end? Whose alter ego is greater, Pinocchio's or Obama's?

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