Saturday, November 23, 2013

Which Road to Travel

Here is food for thought. Is not the redistribution of wealth a Marxist dream? Is Obamacare for all practical purposes, taking a disproportional amount of money from the middle class so that it can be redistributed to the poor? And who do the poor people vote for? Think about it. If your middle class, you now have to pay for health care at higher rates and forty million other peoples costs too. We, the  middle class are being screwed. We know it. Obama and his marionettes know it. We cry foul they cry victory. The middle class weeps in despair, Obama and his supporters dance with joy.

Obamacare was intended to wipe out the middle class and make them as dependent on government as the poor, many of which would be working if the government had not already made them government dependent. Even Obama's IRS predicts that "health care insurance for a typical family by 2016 will be twenty thousand dollars per year." What does the average family make per year? Forty, fifty, sixty, seventy thousand dollars? You do the math. Now, you begin to understand the dynamics involved.

We have allowed political elitists to intrude into our personal lives. We have allowed them to make health care decisions for us. We have allowed our representatives in Washington to spend our hard earned money on other people who choose not to work. Yes, I said it and I mean it. A good percentage of the forty million "other people" are simply "work-averse." I resent that attitude which the liberal elite cultivates. It keeps them in power and is a tool they will use to destroy the middle class. Now ask yourself, is there still hope for the middle class? Can the burden of entitlement costs be lifted off our shoulders? The answer is yes, and it must be done quickly.

We must defeat this evil by supporting men and woman who represent the Constitution and the Founding Fathers dream. We need heroes and heroines in pubic office who believe in liberty and will fight to triumph over tyranny. We need to elect people of principle and character to serve as our representatives in Washington. We need to elect honorable men and women to serve America and her interests. It has been said that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." I contend that Obama's road was paved with evil intentions and no good will come to those who travel it. Let us unite and stop paving his road to hell.

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