Saturday, November 16, 2013

Say What?

The more I listen to people talk of Obamacare the more ignorant and misinformed I believe they are. The Democratic left claims Obamacare is what this nation needs to improve America's health care system. The GOP right calls it a train wreck. As I stated in a past blog it is neither an improvement nor is it a train wreck.

Obamacare was never meant to help Americans receive affordable health care, or make the lame to walk, or the blind to see, or heal the sick, or lower the debt, or expand the economy. As I stated in the past and I state again "Obamacare was created to fail." Obamacare was a purposeful ploy to damage America's economy, kill jobs and bring about the death of America as we know it in favor of life under socialism. It's Obama's grand design. Were not two of Obama's mentors Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers? Were not both men radical Marxist intent on destroying capitalism?

Obama claims the conservative party is ruining America, while he is the one plotting the actual destruction of this once proud and prosperous nation. He trumpets to all who listen that he is saving the middle class, while he is busy burying them. You ask me what evidence I possess that substantiates what I profess or believe?

The evidence is more than the dismal implementation of Obamacare...Or the disastrous effect of new taxes on the economy...Or the decline of full time jobs...Or the ever increasing debt...Or the dramatic increases in health insurance rates...Or the physicians who will either retire or opt out of participating in Obamacare. And what about the hospitals who opt out? Most people do not even realize hospitals can opt out of Obamacare. Talk about health care crisis of unforeseen proportions. We, the middle class  are about to experience the ride of a lifetime, the ride to ruination and government subservience. All that has been said, all that will be said and all of what is to come will be proof enough to make those of us who have the most to lose regret the re-election of Obama as President. Those who still ardently support Barrack Obama and his Affordable Health Care Act are blind to the truth. They have no voice of their own. They are no more than urban lemmings. They are his tools, his cretins.

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