Friday, December 6, 2013

The Absence of Truth in Leadership

I have heard it said that one should never argue with or listen to an idiot. It only brings you down to his level.  Therefore, I choose not to lower myself to their level. I choose not to argue with close minded left wing politically correct liberals much less their Marxist leaning supporters. The truth of the matter is that Barrack Obama was not equal to the task he was elected to do. In all honesty, does anyone with an once of good sense think Obama is capable of being a good steward of the nation's highest office? Though I voted for someone else, I was hopeful that he could fulfill his promise of complete government transparency. To his throngs of followers I ask, where is the transparency? Did Obama not make that promise? I know his legions of faithful followers will and do make excuses for his failed promise of transparency. Let me cut to the chase. To be transparent one must be honest, innocent of deceit, open, direct, forthright, ingenuous etc. Obama's record of transparency has failed to pass the litmus test. He has lied often enough to win numerous Pinocchio Awards from both left and right news publications. Scandals during his watch and subsequent cover-ups  have diminished his credibility. President Obama makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. Nixon lied about Watergate and attempted a cover-up. He was forced to resign. Obama lied to the American people reference doctors and insurance as it related to the Affordable Health Care Act. Obama and Eric Holder lied about DOJ's "Fast and Furious" operation. Obama and his administration tried to cover-up data collection on American citizens by the NSA. Obama and his administration lied and is still covering up the Benghazi Consulate attack. Why then is Barrack Obama still in office? Why was he elected president in the first place? The truth is that Barrack Obama was not properly vetted. He instead "was given a pass-held to a lower standard-because of his skin color." In short, Obama is a "small minded man, with neither the temperament, nor the intellect to serve as President." The man has little or no honor. The truth is how he perceives it to be and if you question him you are viewed as insignificant or worse, a constitutional conservative. Pure and simple, Obama is nothing about health care or insurance or the middle class or the economy or national defense but is about politics and control. I ask the reader if Obama is mendacious. Does not the actions of Obama and his administration perpetuate distrust? Is the President spurious by design or character flaw? Why should anything promoted by Obama, containing Obama's name or associated with Obama's politics be good for America's greatness?

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