Saturday, December 21, 2013

Government Orchrastrated Victimization

 Is it not ironic that in our time, it is government that has put on a mask and played the role of thief?

I am concerned about the direction America is heading. As a nation, we have lost the inspiration and vision that originally characterized what made us great and become a nation of takers seeking perks and giveaways from an increasingly socialistic government. Entitlements in all their many forms is forcing America toward social unruliness, not experienced since the 1930's. Our government actively encourages, requires, and deceives what were once proud and independent people into taking WIC for food stuffs, and other forms of welfare. Entitlements not earned do nothing more than train people to be powerless, slothful, fraudulent and to take little or no responsibility for their individual actions. If you doubt what I say look no further than Detroit. What do we see? The city itself is in shambles. It's inhabitant's for the most part have been conditioned to expect what amounts to socialist benefits. Those who had a work ethic departed the city long ago for opportunity elsewhere. Driving through Detroit is like taking a trip to a third world nation or worse, an otherworldly place not of this earthly realm. I only mention Detroit to feature the most glaring example of what government by socialism really does. It crushes the human spirit. It inhibits productivity and if continued unabated will inevitably lead to class warfare. Detroit is a prime example of a society, if you will, that has been destroyed by governmental coercion, socialism, corruption and overreaching power of the state. What has happened in Detroit is now raising its ugly head in other large urban areas. I believe urban blight and economic chaos if continued could lead to anarchy in the streets of our nation. What do you think will happen if America's citizens continue to be taxed at extreme rates to pay socialist benefits to the work adverse? When you start telling them which mandated curriculum their children must study? When you start giving jobs to people based on race or gender or sexual orientation/identification instead of ability? What are the consequences if you suppress those who have worked and those persons who still work and limit their freedom of choice? Will it not stifle productivity and if continued long enough could it lead to social unrest or worse nationwide pandemonium?  


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