Friday, December 27, 2013

Lack of Honor and Integrity Equals Betrayal

If it had not been Christmas week I would have broached this topic sooner.  I, a career Army veteran, like many Americans are thoroughly disgusted by the betrayal of the United States House of Representatives, the Senate and the President. How dare our political leaders burden the military and retirees with more of the responsibility for budget cuts while immigration and other entitlement programs remain unaffected by the Ryan-Murray budget deal. How can President Obama and members of Congress sleep at night after telling current retirees, medically retired service-members, and future retirees that they must sacrifice their benefits as part of a budget deal? Hello Murray, Hello Ryan, did you not read your own recommended legislation? What is it with our legislators? Is everyone serving in Congress unable to read proposed legislation prior to approving it? I do believe Pelosism ("You have to pass it before you know what's in it.") is now contagious in Washington. I ask a similar question posed by Allen West. Is "six billion dollars in disrespect to our military retirees preferable to offending illegal immigrants?" Here is a thought to ponder Mr. President and Mr/Ms Congressional Representative. When is the last time you experienced the pain of losing a loved one, a friend or peer in a conflict, usually in a far away land, to an enemy we know almost nothing about? When is the last time you really looked a Wounded Warrior in the eye and in your heart acknowledged their sacrifice? Your actions by voting 'yes' to the bill speak for you. Let me guess, you now opt for the Hillary view point; “what difference at this point does it make?  Once upon a time, this great nation honored the selfless service of the men and woman in uniform. There once was something about honoring a sacred oath to a veteran.  Imagine an oath that has no boundaries. Like our southern borders, it no longer exists. The president, the majority of Congress and most of his cabinet appointees represent the antithesis of leadership with values. Their honor is seriously in doubt. Why do I say this? Is not honor a matter of carrying out, acting, and living the values of respect, duty, loyalty, selfless service and integrity in everything you do?  Let us look no further than the last value I mentioned. Does not one who claims to possess integrity do what's right, legally and morally?  Is not integrity a quality one develops by adhering to moral principles? The passage of the Ryan-Murray budget bill which reduces a promised  military retirement pension for veterans is evidence enough that Obama and a majority in Congress lack core leadership values. Furthermore, by his actions, Obama has proved himself to be a "leader" of doubtful character. What little respect I had for him, I no longer have. I believe he is presently unsuitable to be Commander-in-Chief, otherwise he would have vetoed the Ryan-Murray Budget Bill. He had the last word. He chose to do nothing.

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