Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

If ever their was an American horror classic it is Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue, not to be confused with Nightmare on Elm Street. Nightmare on Elm Street is a 1984 American horror slasher film written and directed by Wes Craven. That particular movie featured several 'B' actors and was Johnny Depp's featured film Debut. Set in the fictional Midwestern town of Springwood, Ohio, the plot revolves around several young people who are stalked in their dreams by Freddy Krueger. The young people are unaware of the cause of this strange phenomenon, but their parents hold a dark secret from days gone by.

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue is a 2008 American horror story, though not a slasher film, but results nonetheless are not pretty. This American horror story was written and directed by a cabal of hard-left ideologues. This soon to be classic debuts Barack Obama as Freddy Krueger, not to be confused as Krueger the slasher. Set in the all too real inside-the beltway of Washington, DC, the plot revolves around several ideological masked leftist leaders who wittingly contribute nothing to alleviate America's vexing problems - crime, widespread human degradation and immorality, dependency on government handouts, rampant political corruption and overwhelming public debt, sky-high taxes and a pervasive socialist mindset. Unfortunately, much of the citizenry are unaware of the cause of these before mentioned vexing issues, but their elected leaders hold a dark secret from which they themselves actively participate in.

The current cast consists of Joe Biden as a stand-in for Krueger, John Kerry as Sergeant Garcia , Eric Holder as Lieutenant Don Thompson, Kathleen Sebelius as Nancy Thompson, Penny Pritzker as Marge Thompson, Chuck Hagel as Glen Lantz. Hillary Clinton even makes a cameo appearance as an insignificant extra. But then again, "what difference does it make?"

The script for Nightmare on Elm Street contains graphic violence but again it is a fictional movie with fictional characters. The death and destruction is the result of a writer's imagination. Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue on the other hand contains little violence but much drama. It's characters are real and leave little to the imagination.These real life actors seek not the destruction of certain individuals but the dismantling of individual liberties.

The 1984 film was met with rave critical reviews. It was an instant financial success. The film's budget was a mere $1.8 million dollars. It grossed $25.5 million, a surplus by any standard. On the other hand the 2008 version is losing money at a rate greater than $1 trillion year, a deficit by even the most liberal standard.

Now tell me, which Nightmare script would you prefer watching? Remember one is imaginary the other is real.

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