Saturday, April 5, 2014

Contrived Racism and its Perpetuation - Part 3

The rise of the welfare state in the 60's contributed unintentionally or otherwise to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out of wedlock among American blacks today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the 'War on Poverty'. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and eventually engage in criminal behavior than their peers who are raised in two parent homes. The 'War' has cost tax payers trillions of dollars with no end in sight and has resulted in an entitlement and slavery reparations mentality...I'll tell you what I see in the world, I think too many blacks are accustomed to getting anything they want by simply demanding it. True it has worked for fifty years . Get a few hundred people on camera, implicitly, threaten to cause civil unrest, and sadly the DC bureaucrats turn on the tax payers greenback's spigot. What happens if white middle class America for the most part no longer buys it. Most recognize that what was once a civil rights issue has become shakedown game. Fewer people still feel responsible for the failings of and inadequacies of blacks. What happens if middle class America ever say's enough?  

I ask you, the reader if white conservative America is responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates are seven fold the rate of white America? Is it white conservative America’s fault that illegitimacy in black communities exceeds seventy percent? Is it white conservative America’s fault that high school drop-out rates exceed fifty percent in many cities? Do you suppose that the failure lies mainly within the black community itself or possibly the rise of the welfare state? One has to look no further than the progressive liberal left to see the consequences of reliance on the socialist's welfare state. The left, whether intentional or not has created a ‘welfare state of mind’ that has damaged the psyche of black America and has indebted Middle Class America.
As for racism, look no further than interracial crime, especially those interracial crimes of violence. Is the progressive left or the Black Caucus, or Reverend’s Sharpton and Jackson aware that white criminals choose black victims three percent of the time, while black thugs choose white victims just under fifty percent of the time? Is the black leadership aware that black-on-white rapes are one hundred times more common than the opposite? The Holder's, Sharpton's and Jackson's almost always take exception when statistical data is released exposing social deviant behavior among the black community. They often attribute the deviancy to social or police profiling. To attribute high incidents of social pathology to social or police profiling is what I contend is part and parcel to contrived racism. The problem as I see it is when 70% of the people getting arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling; it is the law of probability. The welfare programs for the poor, and blacks in particular provide incentive for the behaviors that are most likely to perpetuate poverty. The demise of the working black culture is directly related to the process of welfare reform. Contributing to the demise is the "prominent black spokesman" who spread immiseration and complaint because in truth they know middle class America will be forced to accommodate their malcontent. Thus the few who pay taxes will pay more taxes. I ask you, when is enough, enough? 

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