Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday is Good News

Too many, 'Good Friday' may sound strange considering what had actually happened on that day. Many would not believe that the day Jesus was crucified should be called 'Good', but indeed it is good for those of us who were lost and now are found, who were blind but now see. Good Friday is the Christian commemoration of Jesus' Passion story’; specifically his betrayal, trial and crucifixion that are described in the Christian gospels. In the sequence of Holy Week, it follows the rituals marking the Last Supper on the Thursday before ‘Good Friday’ and precedes the celebration of Jesus' resurrection on Easter Sunday. Some theologians theorize that Good Friday stems from the words ‘God’s Friday,’ while others think that the word 'good' would simply be interpreted as something that is observed as holy. Whether it is called Black Friday, Friday of Sorrows or Good Friday, Christ indeed paid the price for mankind’s redemption if they, but  believe. Since Jewish tradition dictates that Friday begins at sundown on Thursday, the events of Good Friday traditionally begin with the betrayal of Jesus by his apostle Judas in the garden of Gethsemane. He is subsequently brought before the Sanhedrin council, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate and King Herod of Galilee with the ultimate outcome being his condemnation to death by crucifixion. The trial of Jesus and his crucifixion are described in varying detail by all four Gospels, the Jewish historian Josephus and the Roman writer Tacitus. “He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. So then you were no longer strangers and aliens, but were fellow citizens of God’s household”. Is the reader of this blog post a member of God’s household? If not, you only have to trust and obey. He will show you the way, fore he is the truth and the light.

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