Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tides of Tyranny: The One in the Arena

Tides of Tyranny: The One in the Arena: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the irrepressible sometimes flounder, or where the doer of deeds could have ...

The One in the Arena

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the irrepressible sometimes flounder, or where the doer of deeds could have achieved the deeds more efficiently. Does not honor belong to the man who is actually in the arena or battlefield, whose body is marred by blood, sweat and tears; who strives boldly; who falters, who comes short yet again and again, because there is no effort without fault and failing; but who actually endeavors to do the deeds; who knows endless passion, possesses loyalty or devotion; who expends himself worthy of a cause; who at best knows in the end the attainment of success and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring to be bold, so that his place shall never be with those impassive and taciturn souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Significance of Memorial Day

What is Memorial Day? Memorial Day is one of our nation’s oldest and most significant holidays. It was born solely of our shared American heritage. Together, we recall the glory and sacrifice of all who have set their personal aspirations aside for the preservation of our society. Whether it is the Dough­boys of World War I, our Greatest Generation in World War II, our Forgotten Warriors who served in Korea and Vietnam, the Liberators of Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan, or countless others who served and sacrificed in smaller American actions around the world. We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the men and women who took up arms against the enemies of the United States, laying down their lives to ensure a brighter future for those they fought and died for.

This Memorial Day, of all days, we must reflect on what it truly means to live in freedom. We must solidify and reaffirm our commitment to our service members. We owe all of our veterans, both past and present, a debt of gratitude for their sacrifices in the defense of liberty and it is our solemn duty to keep the memory alive of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. May God bless those who gave their last  breath for freedom's cause and may God's light shine upon those loved one's left behind.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

America is not long for Judgement

Can America expect to prosper if it continues to remove God from it's nation's fabric? I say America cannot continue on it's current path and expect God's continued blessing. The propitious smile of heaven cannot be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained. Let us look no further than our Capitol, in the city named after the one who gave that prophetic warning, to ask, "can a nation drive out the name of God from its public square, and the Word of God from its schools and the ways of God from its culture and still expect God's light to shine upon it?"

Can the blood of fifty million unborn children cry out to heaven from this now morally barren land and expect God's light to continue shinning on it? Can a government's representatives call evil good and good evil and forge laws that war against the Laws of Almighty God and the smiles of heaven still shine on it? Can America's Supreme Court justices continue to strike down  the statutes of Jehovah God and overturn judgments of the most high and still expect God to smile down on this nation? Can America's president place his left hand on the Word of God to assume office and with his right hand sign laws which break the very Word upon which he swore and still expect God's light to shine on America? For the fifty million now still voices, I say to our legislative branch, to the judicial branch, to the executive branch, no you cannot continue doing so and expect Almighty God's light to shine on America.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Divided and Defined Along Party Lines

Is America more polarized at this point in time compared to times past? It appears to me that America's polarization is the result of two distinct philosophical views of governing. Arrayed on one side are the forces for limited government, free market capitalism and traditional morality, people who believe less government means more freedom, and that the American Dream depends primarily on self-governing, moral and religious people. Members of this side self-identify predominately as Republicans, Tea Party or otherwise. This group asserts that the Constitution merely collates what exists for all.

On the other side are those who consider the first group to be biased, excessive, unsympathetic, self-centered, narrow-minded, bigoted, predacious, and even malevolent. It is this side, which looks to government to resolve virtually all problems, that currently dominates American government, media, education and culture. Members of this side self-identify overwhelmingly as Democrats or as they prefer to be called, Progressives or Multiculturalists. This group wants to shred the constitution.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Entitlement System Sinkhole

I liken America's growing entitlement system to a sinkhole that destroys all that enters its ever expanding circumference. Is not the entitlement system costly, uneconomical, confounding, and counterproductive. Have not all of us seen the results of our entitlement programs? If you are unsure of the results, take a drive through your own neighborhood, your nearest town or city. What do you see? I see able bodied men and woman gathering around neighborhood quick marts or standing around street corners or simply conversing on cell phones while life and opportunity pass them by. They are for the most part society's takers. They are where they are because they choose to ride on the backs of working America rather than work for a living. A government subsidy is their American dream. Therein lies the problem.  Once dependent on government handouts in its various forms, working to get off support results in lowering one's standard of living. We are punishing the earners and trapping those in need in a lifestyle with little or no hope of achieving the American Dream our forefathers wanted for every responsible citizen. To recover from the effects of a widening sinkhole we must get back to good parenting,  good government and good time tested Christian values that appreciates the importance of saying no and encouraging personal responsibility.