Saturday, May 17, 2014

America is not long for Judgement

Can America expect to prosper if it continues to remove God from it's nation's fabric? I say America cannot continue on it's current path and expect God's continued blessing. The propitious smile of heaven cannot be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained. Let us look no further than our Capitol, in the city named after the one who gave that prophetic warning, to ask, "can a nation drive out the name of God from its public square, and the Word of God from its schools and the ways of God from its culture and still expect God's light to shine upon it?"

Can the blood of fifty million unborn children cry out to heaven from this now morally barren land and expect God's light to continue shinning on it? Can a government's representatives call evil good and good evil and forge laws that war against the Laws of Almighty God and the smiles of heaven still shine on it? Can America's Supreme Court justices continue to strike down  the statutes of Jehovah God and overturn judgments of the most high and still expect God to smile down on this nation? Can America's president place his left hand on the Word of God to assume office and with his right hand sign laws which break the very Word upon which he swore and still expect God's light to shine on America? For the fifty million now still voices, I say to our legislative branch, to the judicial branch, to the executive branch, no you cannot continue doing so and expect Almighty God's light to shine on America.

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