Saturday, May 10, 2014

Divided and Defined Along Party Lines

Is America more polarized at this point in time compared to times past? It appears to me that America's polarization is the result of two distinct philosophical views of governing. Arrayed on one side are the forces for limited government, free market capitalism and traditional morality, people who believe less government means more freedom, and that the American Dream depends primarily on self-governing, moral and religious people. Members of this side self-identify predominately as Republicans, Tea Party or otherwise. This group asserts that the Constitution merely collates what exists for all.

On the other side are those who consider the first group to be biased, excessive, unsympathetic, self-centered, narrow-minded, bigoted, predacious, and even malevolent. It is this side, which looks to government to resolve virtually all problems, that currently dominates American government, media, education and culture. Members of this side self-identify overwhelmingly as Democrats or as they prefer to be called, Progressives or Multiculturalists. This group wants to shred the constitution.

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