Sunday, July 6, 2014

Everyone is Special - Not!

The concept of life being unfair and the need to seek “justice” to fix it is the very heart of progressivism. Nothing is your fault, it’s society’s. You’re just a victim. We are raising a generation of participation trophy winning, everyone is special believing, all thoughts are valid, there are no wrong answers, high self-esteem having, if it feels good do it, you can’t judge others by their station in life. These others have never been told there are lines you do not cross, you don’t always get your way, someone will be better than you even at the things you are great at, and you’re going to have to bust your ass to get what you want, and then only maybe will you.  Many of the generation coming of age now are simply not equipped to deal with failure, be it in not getting a job, a promotion, or a date, or anything in between. They don’t know how to deal with even small failures because they have been insulated from reality by the progressive dogma “everyone is special” philosophy that has people looking for an explanation of their shortcomings externally. I will end this train of thought by urging the "I'm special believing" generation to wake-up to reality and work for what you desire, that is unless you aspire to be one of "societies victims." Life is really unfair for those who choose to do nothing with it.

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