Saturday, July 12, 2014

Freedom and the Warrior's Armor

If you are thankful for the freedom that was won on the backs and with the lives of others, then what would you do to keep it? If you are thankful for a Constitution that protects our God given, unalienable rights, then how much are you willing to fight to keep those rights? If you are thankful for a republic that was entrusted to us by our Founding Fathers for future generations, then what are you willing to give up?  Are you willing to expose those dealers of duplicity who sell us perversion cloaked as freedom? The effort to change America's mind on issues like abortion, sanctity of marriage, freedom of choice, church-state separation and more is not a coincidence. It is a well planned campaign. But the good news is that by the grace of God, the truth can defeat this evil.

As Christians we must speak as one voice. Our collective actions must be righteous in the Biblical sense. Not unlike the Apostle Paul, we are sometimes called to serve as God's Warriors. We must fight those brokers who market techniques commonly employed to "package, perfume and gift wrap" destructive behaviors and beliefs to make them appear good. As a Soldier of the Cross we must turn the light of truth on the corruption and decay, that we who in the name of Christ, might realize what we have failed  to see, and failed to act upon. The campaign for the hearts and minds of America is not political or philosophical. The war is spiritual and to win we must recognize our enemy, identify his weakness and defeat his army on the field of battle.

As a career military officer I was never once asked to participate in a military operation without first knowing who the enemy was. Secondly, knowing the disposition of the enemy. And finally, being properly equipped to defeat the enemy. Fighting a spiritual war is not unlike preparing to fight on today's battlefield.  Soldiers in both must be equipped to win. Today's soldier wears body armor that protects his head, upper body and groin area. He is armed with a variety of small arms weapons. He is deployed to the battlefield by foot, parachute, helicopter, armored vehicle and numerous other modes of delivery.

God's Warriors also wear full armor so when the day of battle comes they will be able to stand their ground. God's Warrior wears the belt of truth around his waist ... with the breastplate of righteousness in place... and with feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition, God's Warrior takes up the shield of faith, with which to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. God's Warrior also puts on the helmet of salvation and arms himself with the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Our enemy is Satan, "the prince of this world" who is the personification of evil. His legions are vast in numbers and comprised of heretics, false prophets, humanists, misguided heads of state, psychopaths, and other exporters of darkness. His lieutenants have been corrupted by power, wealth, greed and a myriad of other evil desires. Satan and his follower's weaknesses are found throughout the Word of God. Satan and his army will be defeated at Armageddon. He and his followers will be thrown in the lake of fire where "they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

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