Friday, February 27, 2015

Why not Ben

I know it is early but after much deliberation and research I ask the rhetorical questions; Why not Ben Carson as President? Is America not ready for a leader of character and values? Did we not already elect the most inept, unqualified and most anti-Constitution president in our nation’s brief history? 
Although Barack Obama came to the White House with such promise, instead of healing our land of racial strife, he has only made it worse. Sadly, he continues to shred our nation apart solely for political gain. Not since the Civil War has America been more divided than it is today. If another ultra progressive follows Barack Obama to the White House, our nation will continue its slide down the same precarious path. The path of which I speak is that which leads to oblivion.
As a president, Barack Obama has inspired but a few on the fringe, the liberal left and Islamic extremists. Unlike Obama, I believe Ben Carson appears ready to inspire and lead, emphasizing what unites us as Americans, not what divides us. Unlike Obama, I believe he will be a president for all Americans, regardless of race or background, working for the best of America, not just to advance a political ideology or another’s agenda. Unlike Obama, who espouses Christianity while likening Islam to Christianity, Carson is an active Christian who seeks to heal and bring harmony, not dissonance and acrimony to our land. From everything I read, hear and observe, Carson is a proud American. When is the last time Obama has stated that he sees America as a great, good, and exceptional nation that is unique in the annals of history?
Does not Ben Carson revere the principles of the Founding Fathers? Carson believes in life and further states; “There’s no war on women, there’s a war on babies.” Ben Carson unequivocally stands for every American’s right to keep and bear arms, not just for hunting and target shooting, but, if necessary, to defend freedom. Ben Carson believes in small, less intrusive government, low taxes, and a dollar tied to gold. Carson will not only balance the budget, but begin the necessary process of paying it off. Ben Carson has stated he will not seek military action, but if called upon to act, his response will not be proportional to that of the enemy. He will fight for victory on our terms, with no quarter given.
Perhaps most important of all, Ben Carson is not an inside-the-Beltway politician. He is a citizen statesman as envisioned by the Founders. They sought men to serve in office for whom service would be a sacrifice, not a career. I can’t help but think that if men like Washington, Jefferson, and Adams were alive today, they, like myself and fellow patriots would be supporters of Ben Carson.

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