Friday, February 20, 2015

Yet Again no Surprise

Surprised by the apparent rift between the Obama administration and Egypt?  Does it startle anyone that the divide is expanding at the same time the Islamic State is increasingly escalating its terror campaign?
Is it just me or does it appear that the Obama Administration begrudges Egypt’s proactive approach in dealing with Islamic terrorism?  Could it be that Obama is slighted by Egypt’s head of state’s use of terms he forbids? How else does one actually detail the 21 murders of Egyptian Christians that was perpetrated by Islamic terrorists? The Obama administration has had more than enough opportunities to express its support of Egypt’s campaign against ISIS. Yet, the administration refuses to back one of its most important allies in the tumultuous region. The administration’s lack of endorsement of Egypt’s airstrikes is a disturbing sign of the mounting strain between the United States and Egypt. Does not all this sound like a reoccurring theme in Obama’s never ending novella? Has not the administration turned its back on Israel in favor of a free Palestinian State? If only the heads of Egypt and Israel would seek his counsel prior to armed retaliation against an enemy and accepting speaking engagements with his perceived political adversaries, perhaps things would be different or in the least, more palatable.
The administration’s deliberate distancing of itself from the efforts of Egypt against ISIS underscore that America and Egypt—once crucial partners in the war on extremism are now fighting a separate war against a common enemy. The problem, of course, is that such division is likely to only help the Islamic State’s brutal campaign. Using personal license with some alterations as a frame of reference, one need look no further than the opening line of a familiar childhood nursery rhyme to understand why Obama's foreign diplomacy is what it is.  Opening line follows: "sticks and stones may break my bones but words" will also, fracture an (Obama's) ego. 

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