Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Liberal Progressives Turning on Their Own Past

Did you realize that many Progressive state parties are turning on their own past to remove the names of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson from its fundraising events? And why pray tell, would they do such a thing? Jefferson and Jackson were faulted for their ownership of slaves as well as their treatment of American Indians. Additionally, the former Democrat icons of the common man now have been deemed as symbolic of the “wrongs of the past” by the NAACP. Imagine that! Is this not another step in the increasing campaign to purge American life of symbols deemed offensive and racially insensitive?
The state of South Carolina voted to take down the Confederate flag from the state capital in the wake of a shooting rampage at an African-American church in Charleston. Major retailers "removed the Confederate flag from their stores, even to the extent of banning apolitical historical books about the use of the Confederate battle flag during the Battle of Gettysburg". I have heard, but at this time cannot confirm that A social networking campaign is also urging people to destroy privately owned Confederate flags. More alarming, there are ominous signs the campaign will extend to other flags and symbols Americans might think are beyond reproach. Can you imagine, those of us who fly or display the “Don’t Tread on Me” symbol are looking for trouble with the PC authorities.

What’s next, the American flag, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial? Does this not sound like a campaign against the Founding Fathers? Is it not a denial of history? The ignorance of those who would re-write American history by judging the actions of yesterday’s Founders/patriots to contemporary standards and not standards of their own time is befuddling. Or is it intentional?
It is apparent that a campaign to purge American history has begun. There is an ever growing group of revisionists and malcontents who want to erase the monuments to the remembrance of the American past. There are people who wanted to remove George Washington from schools, there’s even talk, somewhat casually but somewhat ominously I think, about removing the Jefferson Memorial from D.C. And all of this in the name of the fact that the Founders were slave owners.
To find fault about the Founders in this way is to do so 'in the dark'. Does this display of ignorance by a PC revisionist group not point to the fact that they are exceedingly ill-informed, reference; human nature. It is easy for the progressive liberal and political correct of this generation, black or white…to say slavery was a moral evil. But did we earn that? No! We grew up into a world where that was already true. Could it be that too many people are making too many assumptions about their own rectitude? 
How many people, if they were transported back into the 18th century would have been daring enough to confront slavery? Why cannot groups like NAACP and individuals like President Obama understand Founders like Thomas Jefferson were born into a world where their families always owned slaves? Why cannot these same groups and people of like mindedness understand the true importance of the Founding Fathers is what they did once they created a new nation and political system? Did they not create a system … where not a single one of them had a single sentence to support slavery? Incidentally, "George Washington freed his slaves at his death and provided for his estate to support them and teach them new skills." Is not the real gift of the Founders, the system they created which eventually eliminated slavery?
Am I being critical of the current campaign in the South and for that matter all of America in removing all vestiges or evidence of Colonial America and 18th century Southern heritage? I readily admit I find fault in such shenanigans.  Governments and groups may attempt to erase events that are perceived by them as being morally wrong and reprehensible but these erasures will not change the historical event(s). Some may say the Holocaust never happened, as the Iranians claim but history say’s otherwise. Facts are in themselves actualities or truths. What events or actions that transpired in past points in time must be tempered in light of the culture of those times.
More importantly, is there a connection to the campaign against monuments of the American Founding Fathers to the left-wing political goal of eliminating the limited government principles for which they stood? For those people to presume that the Founders of the United States should be erased from our collective memory is repugnant. Their sins are just being used as an issue to expunge everything that they said in both speech and writting.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Growing Great Divide of Right and Left

Are we as a nation are facing the possibility there is a civil war brewing in our own country as some people of influence have stated? This I am uncertain about. What I do recognize is that there is a great divide growing at an alarming rate between the ideologies of the left and the right.

There are those who remain committed to freedom and courage of conviction. They stand committed to our nation's founding principles and are tired of people who seek to undermine the values that established our Republic. It seems today the rift between the left and the right may be irreparably damaged. There are concerned citizens who aspire to forewarn Americans that we have people in our country who are adversaries to our way of life. If what they say is true, there is a difficult path ahead. To avoid it, action is needed now in order to save our America.

Obama is close to inciting an insurrection with divisive legislation, such as immigration, entitlement and energy reform.  Is this not the most divisive administration in modern times? Could not this be the most racist administration in American history? Have you wondered why so many of our top military commanders have either retire, resigned or summarily pushed aside, following years of proud military service? Is not Obama’s feeble and ineffective foreign policy undermining our interests around the globe? And, if so, are those same policies actually endangering our homeland as well?  I contend it is. Reading or listening to the news is enough to warrant concern and scrutiny among those of us who still believe in the American ideals

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Trump's Candidacy is a Reality Show and Needed

Make no mistake. It is not just Republican RINOs who are panicking over Donald’s candidacy for president. Democrats, as evidenced by the media arm of the party are equally alarmed. Why? First, Trump is talking about the issues, and heaven forbid anybody should do that! Anything that actually matters is racist, homophobic, sexist, mean, heartless and just hateful. And if you dare to mention it, there are those who would take away your job, your business, your children and your retirement. Furthermore, the president will personally have the IRS, the FBI the EPA, NSA and Michelle’s school dietitians hound you to your grave and beyond. Secondly, Democrats and Republicans are comfortable sharing the federal government’s increasingly despotic powers as long as it’s shared among themselves. Like Vegas, what happens in D.C. stays in D.C.
But the reality-show segment is rather different. It’s all about one’s life-blood being sucked dry by a professional class of leaches that look to an uber-wealthy corporate elite for their governing direction. This particular combo regards the nation as their personal domain, and collectively they are going to run it as they damn well please!
Sure, send your kids to college so they have a better life. Help them borrow the money from Uncle Sam (tax payers). And when they graduate they will be unemployable at a living wage. But the colleges are happy. They have the money. Yet somehow, high-tech companies just cannot seem to find the money to pay Americans to do the jobs non-nationals will do at a far lower cost.
In the midst of all this, too many people, especially young progressives and the entitlement beneficiaries are saying that capitalism is a bad idea. Actually, “capitolism” is the problem. America has not had authentic capitalism in a while. What America has is politically sanctioned, thinly disguised monopolies cloaked as competition, giving capitalism a negative moniker. Government adores, big business. Would you like to know why? Because through big business they control you and me.
All of which brings us to a third reason the entrenched power structure loathes Trump. They can impair his business empire with bogus outrage going viral, yes. But if you seriously annoy somebody with that kind of wealth and he gets angry … he can also afford to get even.
Finally, there’s this. Would you not like to truly see Trump the day after the election, turn to the television cameras and say, “Washington, D.C., you’re fired!”?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Is The Ultimate Goal One of Empowerment

Is it not a well-known fact that American historical revisionist minded academia have operated within the national educational system? From Marxists at Berkeley, to leftists writing public school curriculum and core testing material, our nation’s very beginning has been distorted by those who choose to miss the exceptional experiment known as the United States. Is not one of the key false narratives involve the issue of religious liberty?  Essentially, the revisionists are perpetrating an idea that these liberties sprang from European Enlightenment philosophies. Really!
The entire philosophical/Idealistic structure on which our country was built is under fire, as forces on the left want to push out the role of Christianity in our nation’s founding. Those forces are increasingly accepted in the mainstream. I contend, the progressive left has embedded itself in our educational institutions with the idea of re-writing American history as a means of philosophical/ideological consolidation of like mindedness with an ultimate goal of empowerment of an elitist and ruling class.

Friday, July 17, 2015

A History Lesson and a Mindless Response is No Response

Allow me to pass on this short summation of history for reference purposes. This bit of information some might find interesting or might not. It all depends on one’s historical perspective and geo-political leanings. The war started in the 7th century and lasted through the 17th Century.  Some, I being one, would contend it never stopped but historically the facts below are correct. 

This is why I feel revulsion when I hear someone say we will vanquish or contain these Islamic terrorists in a few years or even 30 years as has been stated by persons either currently or formally part of the Obama Administration. If the latest consignment of rape, pillaging, crucifixions, decapitations, and persecutions of innocent Christians has shocked you, maybe you should delve into an anthology of historical facts reference; loathing by Muslims and actions against anything and everyone not of their Islamic persuasion.
In 732 AD the Muslim Army which was moving on Paris was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell; In 1571 AD a Muslim military force was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to attack southern Europe in the Battle of Lapanto; In 1683 AD the Turkish Muslim Army, attacking Eastern Europe, was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies. Had enough yet? There’s more in the pipeline. These people who practice a “peaceful religion” (really a theocracy) have been waging a campaign for 1400 years and a majority of our elected officials are unaware of this detail of history. Fact is, most Americans are unaware of the above.
Do you suppose if these battles had not been won that we might be speaking Arabic? Christianity as well as Judaism  would certainly be non existent.  Some, I being one, would contend it never stopped but historically the facts below are correct. 
Many Americans have become so isolated from actuality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves. Let us pause a moment and reflect on actual recent historical events. Do you remember the following incidents (if not use google as a refresher): In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim; In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslims; In 1972 a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach. It was blown up shortly after landing by Muslims; In 1973 a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome, with 33 people killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslims; In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslims; In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslims; In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslims; In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslims; In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslims; In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed by Muslims; In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslims;  On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by Muslims; in 2009, 13 people were killed at Fort Hood by a Muslim; In 2013, Boston Marathon Bombing 4 Innocent people including a child killed, 264 injured by Muslims. And the list grows daily. Just yesterday, four innocent Marines were gunned down in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  

Do you not see a pattern evolving? Now ask yourself, are we, as a nation dim-witted or ignorant or both? Are our elected and appointed/confirmed public officials senseless or just reckless? Again, I ask you, the reader, just how daft are we? Have you not wondered if the American people have completely lost their minds or just their Power of Reason? Same goes for our leaders. Note; All events mentioned are factual, historically accurate and verifiable.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My Anti-Gun Friends

My anti-gun-rights friends, you don’t seem to understand that crimes and atrocities committed by madmen are not valid grounds for infringing on the general public’s right to bear arms – a fundamental freedom. This is why you meet the constant resistance that perplexes, bewilders, baffles, and frustrates you.
You seem to believe just the opposite. You think the homicidal acts of psychopaths should provoke legislation. Proper reflection, while not under duress, is how you go about rationally resolving actual problems.
I as a Second Amendment advocate would like to accomplish more with you. Please don’t hate me for saying this: anti-gun bigotry unfortunately clouds your thinking, that’s all. Are you so blinded not to realize that gun owners want solutions with the same fervor you do. Atrocities are dreadful and harm everyone. Yes, the frequency is ghastly, but why now? The Second Amendment has always been here. Don’t get me started on where cultural sewage and morality trashing originates. You the reader can easily answer that question.
Proposals that hamper gun owners and the general public, instead of addressing crime and the root causes for homicidal outbursts makes gun-control advocates like you look foolish, or worse, bigots, and increase the resistance you face. Are you not able to see this? If not, I understand why you are constantly frustrated. My sympathy goes out to you. When you increase your efforts in desperate attempts to get anything at all done you appear more deceitful and resistance to you increases multiple-fold. That’s a bad thing -- you hurt us all, no one wins. And incidentally, your leaders are lying to you.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Are we Blind to Sights, Sounds and Scents

Justice Anthony Kennedy, in reference to a Planned Parenthood v. Casey court opinion wrote: “at the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” Is this not the height of ill-defined or vague jurisprudence? It is apparent that vague spirituality has accompanied such vague jurisprudence. It has been said by liberal theologians that "we can all stand in a hallway of religion without going into particular rooms"—but remove the rooms and the hallway is no longer a hallway, just an empty space. Does it not become apparent that once beliefs are no longer important and only actions are real, the reason to act dissipates or fades?
In short, radical self-government (autonomy) has left us blind to the sights, sounds, and scents of everyday life. We have become no more than litter being swept away by the flood waters of life. The Bible repeatedly shows us how to remove ourselves from life’s undercurrents by looking beyond ourselves, listening to the sounds around us and yes, inhalation of breath to sense the scents of life. Do this and one is likely to reap contentment: “If you walk in my statutes and observe my commandments and do them…you shall eat your bread to the full and dwell in your land securely. I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid.”
Ancient Israel had such peace only briefly—and taught us in the process that long-term peace comes only with Christ. And what of the alternative? Lack of fulfillment and absence of joy, but something even worse: “If your soul abhors my rules…I will visit you with panic…I will set my face against you” (Leviticus 26:3-6, 15-17).
Has America abandoned its special place among nations? Are we to suffer the same brief peace as ancient Israel? Has this nation’s people turned its back on God of the Bible and our forefathers? I fear the flood waters are rising fast, the banks are about to be breached and many will be swept away by the deluge.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Islamic Ideology and The Constitution

This Islamic political ideology, governed by a barbaric Sharia legal system, seeks to dominate the world where many are enslaved and few are in power.  Saying anything different is just politically correct propaganda and we must fight to be able to call out the evil of violent Islam for what it is:  the eradication of all things American and the enslavement of the masses to the whim of the individuals in power!

Sharia Law is against women’s rights, the LGBT community, and the individual rights and freedoms of all Americans.  We must stop this cycle of endless violence and murder through education, legislation, and the willingness to fight to reclaim our American Heritage. Sharia Law is against everything America is supposed to stand for.

The Bible cannot be taught in our schools, but the 5 Pillars of Islam is being taught as we speak via Common Core and we are letting it happen!  The time has come for Americans to unite regardless of differences in race, sexuality, gender, etc., and fight for the rights granted us by our Creator as laid out in the Constitution of the United States of America.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Independence Day and Why

In the late 1700's America was comprised of 13 British colonies that had been founded between 1607 and 1732. Americans had reached the limits of tolerance with British rule and taxation without American representation, so they did something about it.

On Sept. 5, 1774, they established the Continental Congress. On that day delegates from each of the colonies met in Philadelphia as the First Continental Congress to organize colonial resistance to Parliament's Coercive Acts, a series of measures imposed by the British government on the colonies in response to their resistance to new taxes.

To say the British were none too happy about the meeting would be an understatement. They would become even less jovial in April 1775. That is when the Continental Congress formally began the American Revolution.

Many Americans today are of the opinion that the American Revolution did not begin until the Declaration of Independence was signed. That assumption is wrong. The Continental Congress did not formally declare independence from Britain until July 2, 1776. According to reliable historians, Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft in June 1776. And he did not write it alone. The Continental Congress appointed a five-person group to write it. The group included Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman. Though Jefferson wrote the first draft, it was changed 86 times by other members of the committee and the Continental Congress.

This being the case, why do we celebrate Independence Day on July 4th rather than July 2nd? The reason is understandable enough, July 2nd was the day that the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence. On July 4th, after two days of discussion and debate, they agreed on the final wording of the Declaration of Independence. That is why today we celebrate American independence on the 4th of July.

Did this brief history account leave the reader walking in the muddy waters of a bygone era? Well, there should be no confusion around one point: The purpose of Independence Day is to remember our unique origin and history - to understand why America has prospered beyond anyone's remotest dreams.

Has not America become a home of liberty and opportunity for numerous people from all over the world because of the ideas envisioned by our Founding Fathers? Furthermore, why did our founders ideas work? Do you suppose it is because they were based on enduring values or principles, which recognized human imperfection and the need to structure a limited government of laws, dependent upon the consent of a people who, themselves, understood the principles?

Regretfully, as time passes, fewer Americans understand those principles? Is this not an unfortunate reality or truth? Unquestionably it is. That's why the 4th of July is a great day to help all generations understand how our constitutional republic works - because that will be the only way, warned Benjamin Franklin, “that we will keep it."

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Parochial Axes are Sharpened for a Flag

Are we to believe that the Confederate flag poses a great peril to our nation? Do you suppose, as I do that it poses a greater threat to our national conscience and heritage.
The current fiery dispute over the Confederate flag improperly displayed on state property or for that matter anywhere shows an acute loss of historic consciousness. It reveals the risks of allowing liberal socialist leaning ideologues to decree what is known and can be said about our past.
Does not one see partisan parochial axes being sharpened in all this? Some individuals appear almost fervent to discuss the Confederate flag as though its continued public display in the South is primarily the result of Conservative activism. For what it is worth, in my opinion this rationale is illogical and borders on the absurd. I ask you, my “open-minded” liberal brethren, do you see the spirit of Lincoln in any of the accusatory social media expressions of outrage? Can we see the goodwill or benevolence in all this? Is this not a self-righteousness that Lincoln disdained? I believe so. It is apparent that a time for score settling, for pursuing the long-term mission of destroying America’s past, for fundamentally changing America has arrived.