Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Liberal Progressives Turning on Their Own Past

Did you realize that many Progressive state parties are turning on their own past to remove the names of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson from its fundraising events? And why pray tell, would they do such a thing? Jefferson and Jackson were faulted for their ownership of slaves as well as their treatment of American Indians. Additionally, the former Democrat icons of the common man now have been deemed as symbolic of the “wrongs of the past” by the NAACP. Imagine that! Is this not another step in the increasing campaign to purge American life of symbols deemed offensive and racially insensitive?
The state of South Carolina voted to take down the Confederate flag from the state capital in the wake of a shooting rampage at an African-American church in Charleston. Major retailers "removed the Confederate flag from their stores, even to the extent of banning apolitical historical books about the use of the Confederate battle flag during the Battle of Gettysburg". I have heard, but at this time cannot confirm that A social networking campaign is also urging people to destroy privately owned Confederate flags. More alarming, there are ominous signs the campaign will extend to other flags and symbols Americans might think are beyond reproach. Can you imagine, those of us who fly or display the “Don’t Tread on Me” symbol are looking for trouble with the PC authorities.

What’s next, the American flag, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial? Does this not sound like a campaign against the Founding Fathers? Is it not a denial of history? The ignorance of those who would re-write American history by judging the actions of yesterday’s Founders/patriots to contemporary standards and not standards of their own time is befuddling. Or is it intentional?
It is apparent that a campaign to purge American history has begun. There is an ever growing group of revisionists and malcontents who want to erase the monuments to the remembrance of the American past. There are people who wanted to remove George Washington from schools, there’s even talk, somewhat casually but somewhat ominously I think, about removing the Jefferson Memorial from D.C. And all of this in the name of the fact that the Founders were slave owners.
To find fault about the Founders in this way is to do so 'in the dark'. Does this display of ignorance by a PC revisionist group not point to the fact that they are exceedingly ill-informed, reference; human nature. It is easy for the progressive liberal and political correct of this generation, black or white…to say slavery was a moral evil. But did we earn that? No! We grew up into a world where that was already true. Could it be that too many people are making too many assumptions about their own rectitude? 
How many people, if they were transported back into the 18th century would have been daring enough to confront slavery? Why cannot groups like NAACP and individuals like President Obama understand Founders like Thomas Jefferson were born into a world where their families always owned slaves? Why cannot these same groups and people of like mindedness understand the true importance of the Founding Fathers is what they did once they created a new nation and political system? Did they not create a system … where not a single one of them had a single sentence to support slavery? Incidentally, "George Washington freed his slaves at his death and provided for his estate to support them and teach them new skills." Is not the real gift of the Founders, the system they created which eventually eliminated slavery?
Am I being critical of the current campaign in the South and for that matter all of America in removing all vestiges or evidence of Colonial America and 18th century Southern heritage? I readily admit I find fault in such shenanigans.  Governments and groups may attempt to erase events that are perceived by them as being morally wrong and reprehensible but these erasures will not change the historical event(s). Some may say the Holocaust never happened, as the Iranians claim but history say’s otherwise. Facts are in themselves actualities or truths. What events or actions that transpired in past points in time must be tempered in light of the culture of those times.
More importantly, is there a connection to the campaign against monuments of the American Founding Fathers to the left-wing political goal of eliminating the limited government principles for which they stood? For those people to presume that the Founders of the United States should be erased from our collective memory is repugnant. Their sins are just being used as an issue to expunge everything that they said in both speech and writting.

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