Sunday, August 2, 2015

Persecution of Christians in Obama's America

The rising persecution of Christians worldwide is one of today’s most heart-tugging and significant stories, with daily reports of Christian believers being murdered, tortured, kidnapped, raped or sold into slavery. But there is another story of growing Christian persecution, which, if not as terrible in scale and severity, is even more inexplicable. That is the rapidly expanding marginalization, demonization and criminalization of the free practice of the Christian faith in America--a nation uniquely founded upon religious freedom. This blog’s title tells the story: Persecution of Christians in Obama’s America.

While Christian persecution around the globe is perpetrated primarily by Muslims, in America the persecution is driven by a seemingly odd and improbable source: Gay America, and the influential activist movement that has grown up around it. Today, that movement has become the spear-tip with which the far left is finally achieving its longtime goal of assailing, browbeating– indeed, legally prohibiting – the free exercise of religion in America. 

Legislation presently moving through the country forbids help for minors who want to overcome undesirable same-sex attractions; rules that boys and young men must be allowed to use girls' restrooms and locker rooms if they claim to identify with the opposite sex (and vice versa); dictates pro-homosexual indoctrination of children as young as five; commands the integration of open homosexuals into the military; forces same-sex marriage on the nation; and, perhaps most ominously, criminalizes Christian business owners for simply opposing homosexuality or same-sex marriage on moral and religious grounds. Should the Supreme Court mandate homosexual marriage throughout the nation, say experts, the persecution will increase exponentially. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor

Many thought, as I foolishly did, same-sex marriage would be the crowning achievement of the gay rights juggernaut. This was not the case. Suddenly, the focus shifted to “transgender rights.” Some of the media and not so surprising, America’s Vice President have declared that those who are psychologically estranged from their sexual identity are participants in America's next civil rights frontier and transgender discrimination is “the civil rights issue of our time." 

It has been said and apparently is true that the secret of this never-ending, always-expanding radical movement is that it has the full support of the far left. Not because the left particularly loves people who are gay, bisexual and transgender for themselves, but because finally the left has found its weapon, with which it can effectively assault, relegate, demonize and pervert or criminalize its chief antagonist : the Christian religion.

1 comment:

  1. This agenda mimics the "43 points of communism." Google that and you will see that this administration has accomplished about 3/4 of this "progressive" movement, which started with FDR. This is the radical left, the demoncrats. The book by Saul Allinsky, "Rules for Radicals", is their Bible. In the front of the book, the veryfirst page, it is dedicated "to the very first rebel, Lucifer."
