Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What Say You, What Say Them

Can a comparison not be made of the rush to dig up Confederate graves and removal of statues in America to Islamic removal or destruction of religious icons? The only difference that distinguishes one from the other is one is based on a false religion’s Islamic law, the other on politics. Both are forms of iconoclasm. The terrorist group, ISIS is ransacking historic monuments for both Allah and money. The other for political reasons.

The comparison has its obvious limits, but it does highlight a remarkable double standard. Islamic terror has been on the rise for decades, yet over that time the left's calls for gradation, patience and dare I say, understanding have grown increasingly louder. Virtually no one condones or makes apologies for the Islamic State's barbarity, but there has been a Herculean effort to put Islamic extremism in perspective. President Obama insists that the Islamic State is not even Islamic and that the West should not get on its “high horse” about today’s Muslim atrocities given that Christians committed atrocities eight centuries ago. Really, Mr. President! Remember when that unknown minister in Florida threatened to burn the Koran? Did not members of our government, your administration request that he not do so for fear of offending peaceful Muslims? Was it not your administration and Hillary that cast blame on an obscure film maker as the cause for the Benghazi fiasco? Did not you and your talking heads state that the film was offensive to the peace loving Muslims residing in Libya?

Following the tragic shooting in Charleston, S.C., the New American Think Tank, liberal left politicians and race divisive organizations/spokespersons. Claimed that the delusional shooter and his kind represent the real terror threat. Would it not be an improvement if the left could stick to either of its double standards? As for me, I think fellow Americans, even those who outwardly display Confederate flags, place them on tombstones and honor those ancestors with Memorials of stone and iron, deserve some of the gradation, patience and understanding so many reserve for Islam extremism.  

To those who claim offense or desire to play victim for divisive or financial gain, I say to you; if you are going to display zero tolerance for symbols of 19th century slavery so seriously, maybe you should show the same intolerant bigoted extremist stance with regard to the forces who are committing genocidal acts, enslaving people, and destroying ancient artifacts as we speak. What say you?

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