Thursday, August 13, 2015

Enough Sanctimoniousness Amidst the Light of Videos

One may wonder, how in the hell, could the Senate vote to continue funding Planned Parenthood in light of the videos that have surfaced revealing many of its leadership talking about the prices of the body parts of the unborn and some of these same executives discussing higher costs for “intact fetal cadavers.” Does this term “intact fetal cadavers” not suggest numerous infants are born alive and then dispatched (murdered)? After viewing the videos I would be remiss if I did not suggest that Planned Parenthood is engaging in a wicked barbarous practice. Is this practice not a human rights abuse? Is it not time for it to end? There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500,000,000 per year from the tax paying public.

I like many, who saw the videos via social media say the videos were just too much to stomach. Are you as troubled as I by the callous behavior of Planned Parenthood staff in the recently released videos, which casually discuss the sale, for profit, of fetal tissue after an abortion? There is little doubt that these allegations are in fact reality. It is abhorrent that the Senate continues to authorize funding for an organization as deplorable as Planned Parenthood visibly is. 

To think, Planned Parenthood is being funded on the tax payer’s dime, authorized by the Senate minority and championed by their Senate Minority Leader. Let me be clear, our President is very clear in that he fully supports Planned Parenthood. Has not Obama not threatened to shut down the government if even one dollar is cut from Planned Parenthood’s federal beneficence? According to his Press Secretary, Obama has yet to view any of the Center for Medical Progress videos. For that matter, apparently neither has Obama’s Press Secretary, Obama’s HHS Secretary, Obama’s Attorney General, nor Obama’s Surgeon General. Does it not seem that some of those closest to Obama would have taken time to view these unconscionable and disturbing videos?

Are we living in an alternative universe? We may very well be living in that universe when the White House displays cold indifference to the slaughter of innocents at home contrasts most cruelly with its commendable condemnation of barbarism abroad. Do you not think it is time for the President to end his sanctimoniousness? 

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