Saturday, August 22, 2015

Say it Ain't so, Joe!

We all need a good laugh now and then, especially at the expense of big-shot politicians who open their mouths and remove all doubt about their inherent idiocy, their lovable lunacy, or their daffy demeanor that again and again makes them a late-night TV punchline. And when it comes to goofy gaffes and dimwitted declarations, nobody does it better than America's most beloved liberal political figure, smiling Joe Biden. Since 2008, Biden, as U.S. vice president, has served at the pleasure of President Barack Obama. At times the pleasure has been all ours as we await the next inevitable faux pas. Perhaps Biden should take a cue from his boss, President Obama: speak only when there is a teleprompter in front of you. Then again, a totally scripted Biden would not wield the same kind of allure that makes Uncle Joe one of America's most prominent shoot-from-the-hip public personas. Joseph Biden illustrates how one man can simultaneously be adored by Democrats as "just one of the guys," yet amusingly repulsed by Republicans who see Biden as the poster child for all that is misguided about the Obama administration. Say it ain’t so, Joe.

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