Shame on the 45 of the 46 senators who in essence voted to
continue funding Planned Parenthood with American tax dollars. The question is,
do the 45 senators who voted for continuing to fund Planned Parenthood
believe it is so important to continue giving taxpayer dollars to the nation’s
largest abortion provider, especially in light of the current outrage, that
they would refuse to pass a continuing resolution that does not fund Planned
Parenthood? Are they willing to shut down the government rather than pass such
a continuing resolution? More than likely they are. Does it have to be? Has not
previous precedent been set by both Democrats and Republicans
being like-minded in defunding organizations found committing
activities that are unprincipled at best and criminal at worst? Need I say
ACORN? The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, was stripped
of its tax payer dollars for duplicitous conduct. Is not Planned Parenthood
accused of far worse acts? Those members of Congress who claim to be pro-life,
have a choice to make. The choice itself should not be a difficult one.
In light of the facts of Planned
Parenthood staff negotiating pricing for the sale of tissue and body parts, the
Senate is currently unable to defund the shameless
organization. Supporters of defunding Planned Parenthood, which included
almost all Republican Senators, the exceptions being Mark Kirk of Illinois and
Mitch McConnell voted against the measure and two Democrats, Joe Manchin of
West Virginia and Joe Donnelly of Indiana voted for it, did not have the
60 votes they needed to get the bill on the floor of the Senate the week of
August 2nd. Note; McConnell voted “Nay” as a procedural move in order to allow
him to bring it back for a vote at a later time Those 45 Senators who refused
to defund such a repugnant organization are themselves an abomination to all
who possess a moral compass and should be censored by the voters next election
In the name of God, let us continue to fight this battle to rid
America of its crimes of legal genocide/infanticide.
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