Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Is The Ultimate Goal One of Empowerment

Is it not a well-known fact that American historical revisionist minded academia have operated within the national educational system? From Marxists at Berkeley, to leftists writing public school curriculum and core testing material, our nation’s very beginning has been distorted by those who choose to miss the exceptional experiment known as the United States. Is not one of the key false narratives involve the issue of religious liberty?  Essentially, the revisionists are perpetrating an idea that these liberties sprang from European Enlightenment philosophies. Really!
The entire philosophical/Idealistic structure on which our country was built is under fire, as forces on the left want to push out the role of Christianity in our nation’s founding. Those forces are increasingly accepted in the mainstream. I contend, the progressive left has embedded itself in our educational institutions with the idea of re-writing American history as a means of philosophical/ideological consolidation of like mindedness with an ultimate goal of empowerment of an elitist and ruling class.

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