Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Demonization of Traditional Judeo-Christian America

The secular Liberal left have succeeded in demonizing ideas and words they disagree with and led our culture into steep decline as a result. The goal of this ongoing effort is clear and disturbing. The bottom line of all of these groups, and they all work under the umbrella of anti-hate and anti-racism, is to subvert traditional Judeo-Christian America. I recently read a piece asserting liberals label anyone who defies their orthodoxy: racist, denier, sexist, Islamophobe, classist and homophobe. There appears to be validity to the piece I recently read.

Indeed the
political left has been dictating our speech and trying to change our thinking on the mentioned issues for several decades. How have they done this? Largely through the control of academia and through the media, the left has been able to dictate our morality. It's a novel extempore morality that adds new sins with practically every passing day.
However, in recent months, hope has sprung for those of us who believe in traditional Judeo-Christian America. Two persons of some renown taught us how to fight against these liberal commands upon our culture. We have Donald Trump and Ben Carson to thank.

Trump set the standard for how to respond to this. Early in his campaign, he is essentially accused of xenophobia, in his comments about Mexico. He does not apologize. He does just the opposite. He doubles down. So when Ben Carson's accused of being anti-Muslim, he also does not apologize either. People are beginning to see the way out of this.

Carson took heat for suggesting a strict adherence to Islam, particularly Sharia law, was incompatible with the U.S. Constitution.
He admits the heinous actions of some people ought not to brand every adherent to a given religion, but he says there are some clear facts. Their religion just happens to be responsible for 99 percent of the terrorism in the world and you'd be a fool not to draw inferences from that. In fact, you'd be suicidal not to. And that's where we are. The media and other liberals don't hesitate to paint Christians with a broad brush, even when the perpetrator is not a Christian.

In addition, to Trump and Carson refusing to play by politically correct rules, there is also hope for reversing the PC trend as a result of the left overplaying it's hand. The undercover Planned Parenthood hearings are a perfect example. People are beginning to ask themselves, 'Let's see, I'm evil if I don't say Caitlyn Jenner but the people telling me I'm evil are fully capable of dismembering babies and trafficking in baby parts? Makes perfect sense to me.

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