Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving Blessings and Dangers from Within

As I celebrated Thanksgiving this week, I reflected on God's many blessings. I'm thankful this year for the gift of life, my wife, children, grandchildren, friends and my Church. I'm also thankful for two of the greatest gifts I have received--Salvation and Liberty.
Unfortunately, America is now under attack as never before—not just by enemies outside our borders, but also by a dangerous enemy within. The danger at home is liberalism or progressivism, and its leaders are pulling off the theft of the century—they are stealing America from us with all of the capital (wealth) and control (power) they can get their hands on.
Obamacare is a perfect illustration of this fraud being perpetuated against the American people. I like others am of the opinion Obamacare was a conspiracy not between Obama and the American people against the insurance companies, but rather, between Obama and the insurance companies against the American people. Ultimately, Obama approached the insurance companies and made an offer they could not refuse. Then he advanced a proposition worthy a Mafioso Don. How did Obama pull this off? He guaranteed the insurance companies that a key component of Obamacare was to force millions of Americans who did not want to purchase health insurance, to buy health insurance. In other words Obama waylaid the American public. Obama said, in effect, we’ll use the power of the state to force them. And this, the insurance industry recognized, meant millions of new customers which translated into hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. So the insurance companies got what they wanted, more money, and Obama got what he wanted, effective control over the health care industry, which comprises one-sixth of the entire economy. And America got waylaid, especially the working and retired middle-class who were shafted yet again.

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