Friday, April 29, 2016

Our Founders Idea of Greatness in the Presidential Office

Real academia's leaders, journalists and popular historians agree. Our greatest presidents are the ones who confronted a national crisis and mobilized the entire nation to face it. That's the conventional wisdom. The chief executives who are celebrated in textbooks and placed in the top echelon of presidents in surveys of experts are the "bold" leaders – the Woodrow Wilson's, Franklin Roosevelt's and JFK's – who reshaped the United States in line with their grand "vision" for America.
Unfortunately, along the way these great presidents inevitably expanded government, thereby shrinking our liberties. As the 20th-century presidency has grown far beyond the bounds the Founders established for the office, the idea that our chief executive is responsible to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States" has become a distant memory.

Anyone with a semblance of intelligence and historical knowledge recognizes the Founders had an entirely different idea of greatness in the presidential office. The personal ambitions, populist appeals and bribes paid to the voters with their own money that most modern presidents engage in would strike them as instances of the demagoguery they most feared – one of the great dangers to the people's liberty that they wrote the Constitution explicitly to guard against. The Founders, in contrast to today's historians, expected great presidents to be champions of the limited government established by the Constitution.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Liberalism Today is Fraught with Hostilty

Liberalism today is not the liberalism of yesteryear. It’s not Franklin Roosevelt’s or John Kennedy’s liberalism. It’s not even the liberalism of Bill Clinton. It has become something much more radical. Bill Clinton talked about the “era of big government” being over. True, that was then, this is now. Today, there is virtually no government program that liberals won’t embrace. Wild Bill once had an out-of-mind experience and actually repudiated extremism in his party. Today liberals, to include Hillary and Sanders, can’t get close enough to the “black lives matter” movement or "Lil Al Sharpton's" wise counsel.
Liberals have surrendered to or created the horrid culture of intolerance that infuses our popular culture. To this extent, they are not at all different from some self-proclaimed right-wing people who do the same. But the difference is—or at least is supposed to be—that liberals profess to be the party of the open mind. They have become anything but. Now that they control so many of our institutions—our universities, high-tech corporate board rooms, the entertainment industry, and increasingly even some mainstream churches—they are closing the door behind them, making sure that no one, especially conservatives, will sneak in the back door.
Liberalism has become hostile to open inquiry. Liberal intellectuals used to love open-ended debates because they thought they could win people over with their intelligence and wit. No more. Today’s liberal intellectuals are much more interested in stifling debates than having them. After all, who needs debates when all the big questions have been answered by their ideology. Liberals are no longer the scruffy radicals of Washington Square, but a tenured Mandarin class hotly competing for government research grants.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Why not Represent Christian Values

Virtue is a key component of freedom? Someone’s values will always be legislated in Washington, D.C., and in state houses, and Christians (contrary to some people’s opinion), have every right to have their values represented as much as anyone else’s. If we advance spiritual men and women into the public square-people who know wisdom, then we improve America’s chances for remaining free. We trust in the Lord and we marshal the army. My point: Why not have spiritual revival in today's America? If Christians can offer a better way of life than single parent homes, teen pregnancy, destitution, aggression, bigotry, illicit drugs, corruption, crime, materialism, and greed--isn't it a good thing?


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Short History Lesson

Earlier this week, the 241st anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord were celebrated or should have been. Historians have tabbed it the “Shot heard Around the World.” In all, about 50 Americans were killed in the Battle of Concord. My research indicates that by population, that’s the equivalent of more than 6,000 Americans dying in a single military action today.

But today, Republican political consultants would rather throw away the country those brave patriots died for, than risk their comfortable salaries, jobs and prominence status. But today, most pundits would rather promote open borders and watch our country disappear than lose their media appearances. But today, wealthy ranchers and farmers would rather see the country our ancestors shed their blood for overwhelmed with foreign cultures than give up their cheap alien labor.

So far, seven of the 13 Colonies have spoken: "Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia" — and, on the anniversary of Lexington and Concord, "New York." All seven held elections, not party-fixed forums or caucuses. Does it not appear like the 13 Colonies are trying to save America, once again?

Monday, April 18, 2016

Do you recall the President referring to the Benghazi incident as "a bump in the road?" Today I read about an ex-Navy Seal being interviewed on Fox News regarding a book he has written about how to handle crisis situations in our lives. At the end of the interview he asked if he could make a comment on Benghazi and, of course, the anchor said "yes."
He then thanked Fox News for keeping the Benghazi story in the news, since other news organizations are not. He said the Seals who died deserve the public knowing the truth about the whole affair.
The poem was written by an anonymous Marine Corps officer:

We're the battling boys of Benghazi,
No fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a fiery death in a blazing hell,
Defending our country we loved so well.
It wasn't our job, but we answered the call, 
Fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall.
We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate
Led them to safety and stood at the gate.
Just the two of us and foes by the score,
But we stood fast to bar the door.
Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied,
So we fought and we fought and we fought 'til we died.
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,
But Barack and Hillary didn't give a damn.
Just two dead Seals who carried the load
No thanks to us. We were just "Bumps in The Road".
So, will this reach every American with a computer? Or do we act like the press and give a pass to the people who literally sat there in the White House and watched the Seals' execution on live streaming video and did absolutely nothing?
"What difference does it make?" And she wants to be the next President?

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Most Qualified Progressive Champion of Rights - Wrong

While battling in the Empire State both Bernie and Hillary each called the other "unqualified" to be president. It is my contention they are both correct. You heard me, I think they're both right! One is a jester and the other is a criminal. As concerned Americans we must realize much is at stake this year, not the least of which is the makeup of the Supreme Court. Can either Republican front runner beat Hillary? So much depends on the answer to this question. It is my belief that only a Conservative can negate the damage that Obama has inflicted during the course of his presidency.

Unless one has been in living under a rock for the past year or so, they know the Democratic establishment prefers ‪‎Hillary to Bernie because they know she's a more capable thug than he is. Has she not spent her entire career living out the lessons she learned from the original con artists of the left? Does she not champion what the Democrats want us to believe? Do the Democrats not say they are the party of equal rights and human rights and civil rights?  

The reality is, the Democrats are the party of slavery, of Indian removal, of broken treaties, and of the “trail of years.” They are the party of “segregation, of Jim Crow, of lynching, and of the KKK. They are the party of Japanese internment, and of opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968.” This is their real history. If one doubts what I avowed, prove me wrong. I request you research the before mentioned historical events before responding.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Blind Eye to The Sad Truth

Do you not find it slightly disturbing that all of those companies opposing religious liberty in the name of LGBT rights are operating in countries where gays are facing fines, imprisonment and death? The hypocrisy of the major corporations that threaten boycotts in North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi and other states in response to Religious Freedom Restoration Acts is dumbfounding.  Many of these same corporations are doing business in countries in which homosexuals are fined, jailed or killed for their lifestyle. Yet where is the action there? The sad truth is that many top corporations/companies have turned a blind eye to the horrors inflicted on the LGBT community in Middle Eastern countries.

The music mogul's and Hollywood’s hypocrisy is just as bad. Celebrity websites are filled with stories about stars of stage, screen and music vacationing in exotic locales like the United Arab Emirates – where being gay can be a death sentence. This being the case, why would these celebrities spend their money in nations that commit such atrocities?  As I have stated in previous posts, even family-friendly Disney is guilty of hypocrisy on the LGBT issue.

I am left with but one course of action. There’s only one way to stand up to corporate intimidators – with our money.  As of today, let us cease drinking Coca-Cola products, forgo select stage ,screen and music venues,  forget Disney, ship FedEx not UPS, etc.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Was it Really a Surprise

What happened in Brussels and continues to happen in vast areas of the world was and is disgusting and cowardly, but was it or is it really a surprise? If one say's yes, I beg to differ with them. It was and is  no surprise. Terrorists commit acts of terror; their existence, although disturbing, is not a surprise. What is a surprise and, perhaps most disturbing, is how the free world is reacting to the massacres? After decades of radical Islamic terrorism and the wholesale slaughter of the innocent, world leaders barely pay lip service to it anymore.
After the latest bombings, world leaders pledged to “stand against” those who perpetrated this latest atrocity. With all due respect, that’s like cursing the rain or pummeling the wind – words, when followed by nothing, that might as well be nothing. And nothing is what western civilization offers in the face of splattered bodies of people committing the sin of going about their daily lives.
As long as Western leaders, particularly America's Chief Executive, continues to treat the threat radical Islam poses to life like a flea on a dog, more ground will be soaked with the blood of innocent people.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Speaking of Entitlement Mentality

Speaking of an entitlement mentality, this rubbish is so cemented into the heads of omnipresent liberal automatons that they're completely cool with legalized theft in the name of “fairness”.  This self-same fairness farce is appealing to the innumerable lazy, irresponsible, zero accountability weeds who take up space on American soil.
Indeed, with the American deck having been furtively stacked with this pathetic self-gratification mentality over the last forty-plus years, I believe you shouldn't be too shocked if Hillary or Bernie gets to sit behind the same desk that Wild Bill did.
The foundations of a strong work ethic and traditional values have been purposefully and laboriously battered by the Left for many decades and, thus, the pump is primed. The fix could be in. It definitely isn't going to be a cake walk and you're either naïve or daft if you think it's going to be a sure win.
So, don't think it strange if the “Hildebeest” walks with this thing. Their automatons are amassed. The slothful louts, with their mammoth entitlement mentalities, are at the gate and they sure as hell don't want to be weaned anytime soon from the government trough of mediocrity.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Sometimes Reality is Stranger than Fiction

Are we not living in a surreal age? Has there ever been an era in American history where elected officials and commercial organizations determined a nation’s people’s morality mindset? It appears to this writer that we are living in such an age of “what’s up is down” and “what’s right is wrong.” Do you sometimes feel as I, that we are living in an alternate universe? Or maybe my cogitation capacity is in need of fine tuning. If I did not know better, it seems reality has become stranger than fiction. North Carolina’s bill refusing to allow transgender persons into opposite bathrooms has met with fierce resistance from cities and states across the nation. 
What’s in the bill that has so many on the left so worked up about? For the sake of brevity, it is the “restroom/bathroom provision”, which in itself is simply common sense. It leaves players in the private sector free to do what they think best with their bathrooms, and it states municipal-run facilities will operate according to biological sex as noted on a birth certificate.

Big business and special interest groups are threatening boycotts. The Mayors of several municipalities, to include San Francisco, DC and several Governors to include NY and Connecticut have issued orders to “bar any publicly-funded city/state employee travel to the State of North Carolina.” Other organizations supporting censorship include IBM, PayPal, Apple, Facebook, Google, Salesforce, etc. are all against the law. The ACLU, has even lodged a federal lawsuit against North Carolina. In short, these mayors, governors and CEO's do not like that North Carolina simply said: males use the men’s room and females use the ladies room, based on anatomy, not how one labels themselves.

The NBA has said North Carolina’s law might make it move the 2017 All-Star game out of Charlotte. Does one not find the NBA’s threat over the All-Star Game piteously amusing if not particularly absurd? “The NBA (and its sister organization, the WNBA) apparently think bathroom access shouldn’t be based on biology”, but basketball leagues should. The NBA and WNBA, of course, are free to have gender-neutral basketball teams—and to have gender-neutral bathrooms at those games. That they are threatening the state to impose a policy that even they haven’t voluntarily adopted is the height of hypocrisy.

Ask yourself: Why do we have sex-specific bathrooms and locker rooms in the first place? It’s because of biology, not because of “gender identity.” Separate facilities reflect the fact that men and women have bodily differences; they are designed to protect privacy related to our bodies. So the North Carolina bill continues the bathroom/locker room and may I add, gender shower policy America has always had.

Who in their right mind would oppose such a policy? Did I just suggest those in opposition to the “Bathroom Bill” happen to be a few cards short of a full deck? I suppose I did. Realistically, some people and organizations who oppose the bill do so out of ignorance. I say this, not with ill feeling but with awareness that not everyone knows what they think they know, to include me. In brief, let us examine the term transgender and by doing so, define it.

Do you know that the term, transgender has many definitions? It is frequently used as an umbrella term to refer to “all people who do not identify with their assigned gender at birth or the binary gender system." This includes "transsexuals, cross-dressers, genderqueers, drag queens, drag kings, two-spirit people, and others." Some transgender people feel they exist "not within one of the two standard gender categories, but somewhere between, beyond or outside of those two genders.” Hopefully, both opponents and proponents of the “Bathroom Bill" are less ignorant and more knowledgeable than they previously were prior to reading this post.

In summation, North Carolina, as should any other state enact policies that best serve the people of the state—not the special interests and cultural cronies. What Americans need now is strong political leadership to stand up to the cronies and their cohorts and do what’s best for a state’s residents in particular and the American people in general.