Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Liberalism Today is Fraught with Hostilty

Liberalism today is not the liberalism of yesteryear. It’s not Franklin Roosevelt’s or John Kennedy’s liberalism. It’s not even the liberalism of Bill Clinton. It has become something much more radical. Bill Clinton talked about the “era of big government” being over. True, that was then, this is now. Today, there is virtually no government program that liberals won’t embrace. Wild Bill once had an out-of-mind experience and actually repudiated extremism in his party. Today liberals, to include Hillary and Sanders, can’t get close enough to the “black lives matter” movement or "Lil Al Sharpton's" wise counsel.
Liberals have surrendered to or created the horrid culture of intolerance that infuses our popular culture. To this extent, they are not at all different from some self-proclaimed right-wing people who do the same. But the difference is—or at least is supposed to be—that liberals profess to be the party of the open mind. They have become anything but. Now that they control so many of our institutions—our universities, high-tech corporate board rooms, the entertainment industry, and increasingly even some mainstream churches—they are closing the door behind them, making sure that no one, especially conservatives, will sneak in the back door.
Liberalism has become hostile to open inquiry. Liberal intellectuals used to love open-ended debates because they thought they could win people over with their intelligence and wit. No more. Today’s liberal intellectuals are much more interested in stifling debates than having them. After all, who needs debates when all the big questions have been answered by their ideology. Liberals are no longer the scruffy radicals of Washington Square, but a tenured Mandarin class hotly competing for government research grants.

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