Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Was it Really a Surprise

What happened in Brussels and continues to happen in vast areas of the world was and is disgusting and cowardly, but was it or is it really a surprise? If one say's yes, I beg to differ with them. It was and is  no surprise. Terrorists commit acts of terror; their existence, although disturbing, is not a surprise. What is a surprise and, perhaps most disturbing, is how the free world is reacting to the massacres? After decades of radical Islamic terrorism and the wholesale slaughter of the innocent, world leaders barely pay lip service to it anymore.
After the latest bombings, world leaders pledged to “stand against” those who perpetrated this latest atrocity. With all due respect, that’s like cursing the rain or pummeling the wind – words, when followed by nothing, that might as well be nothing. And nothing is what western civilization offers in the face of splattered bodies of people committing the sin of going about their daily lives.
As long as Western leaders, particularly America's Chief Executive, continues to treat the threat radical Islam poses to life like a flea on a dog, more ground will be soaked with the blood of innocent people.

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