Monday, October 3, 2016

With Clinton There is No Chance

I have to say, I pretty much think that if Hillary Clinton, is elected, the path America is currently on will continue and will inevitably lead to catastrophe. If we don’t right the ship now, we’re headed to be like socialized Europe — religion pushed out of everyday life and a financial disaster getting worse by the month. Even reaching problems likened to Argentina's current plight, where they are literally fighting for food, is not out of the realm of possibilities. It’s that bad.
Don’t think it can’t happen here. The bottom line for me is that I love this country and our Constitution more than I dislike Trump’s sometimes antics and ego. I believe Trump will attempt to change the direction that Godless liberals and their lapdog-media have led this nation. With Trump we have a chance.  With Hillary Clinton we have no chance. Be thankful we still have a chance and vote this fall. The future of our country in general and our religious liberty in particular depend on every Christian and Jew being registered to vote -- and voting. I do respectfully, recognized some of my conservative peers feel different. I submit to them, think about what is said above. Let your conscience be your guide and peace be with you.

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