Monday, June 26, 2017

The Ever Widening Chasm

Are there certain clarifying moments in political discourse? Are there moments that demonstrate just where various parties stand? Never has the rift been so obvious. A few short weeks ago, the left declared the world in imminent peril. Why? President Trump pulled out of the altogether meaningless Paris climate accord, a worldwide agreement requesting nonbinding commitments from signatories about future carbon emissions cuts. Reaction to the announcement was swift and not so unexpected. The hysteria was palpable. Suddenly, repudiated weather scientist Al Gore found himself in prime television slots jabbering about the end of the world. Nancy Pelosi gabbled about how Trump was "dishonoring" God. Yes, this from the DC empress of “abortion on demand.” MSM ran headlines showing the world in flames. London’s Mayor released a statement bemoaning Trump's decision. French president Macron appeared dumbfounded and bent out of shape by the pullout, meanwhile, persons of my political persuasion simply countered with, “c’est la vie” (That’s life!). Long and short of it; the agreement did virtually nothing anyway.

In early June a
three man team of Islamic terrorists drove a van into a crowd on a London bridge, and then jumped out of the vehicle and began stabbing people in surrounding establishments. As expected, ISIS claimed responsibility. The right immediately labeled the attacks yet another example of Islamic extremism gaining the momentum, linking them with the Manchester concert attack. President Trump immediately denounced the terror attacks and called for an end to PC policies, as well as campaigning for his travel ban. Conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic complained about leftist multiculturalism creating room for Islamic terror growth.

Meanwhile, the left portrayed ignorance or indifference. From what I am able to confirm, following independent research one CNN “progressive” political commentator warbled about the glories of PC. A columnist for the NYT compared being killed in a terrorist attack to being "killed by a drunk driver." Democrats complained about President Trump's attacks on Khan (London Mayor), who was busy urging Londoners to stay calm after panicking about global warming just days prior.

Can anyone explain the apparent fissure between left and right? The left believes that human beings are inherently good, and that only environment defines whether they will act in evil fashion. This could very well be why Bernie Sanders has in the recent past,  connected global warming to the spike in terrorism; it could very well be why the Obama administration routinely suggested that poverty caused terrorism. Are we to believe that external circumstances dictate the morality of individual actors? Food for thought: Is this why the left argues we shouldn't hold people responsible for their actions as a rule; instead, we should reshape society. The right believes (as do I) that human beings are capable of evil on their own. That's why they see the rise of Islamic extremism more of a problem than global warming. Do good people kill each other because of global warming? They may very well, if they begin to believe macabre ideologies, or support those who do.

I ask the reader, if the rift of understanding between left and right will ever be spanned? Maybe, maybe not! It goes back to distinguishing physiognomies of human kind and our perception of that nature. Is not the tension necessitating excessive stress these days somewhat evident? To fault any person but individuals with the power of speech and upright stance in Western cultures for their own downward spiral into malevolence or sin is both analytical and reasonable. On a lighter side, I again ask; What explains the chasm between right and left? Could one conclude the “right got the righteousness and left got the leftovers?” 


Monday, June 19, 2017

America's Future is Precipitously Approaching the Precipice

Admit defeat or fight, our America is at stake. It is apparent the leftist radicals and their MSM crusaders, have declared an unholy Jihad on President Trump and his supporters. Many moderates and some conservatives in the halls of Congress have been led to believe that staying silent will keep them out of the morass or quicksand of the DC swamp. As part of the electorate who put you and yours in office, I implore you to assail the left. Stand-up and contest this assault on the right. To do otherwise is a sure sign that you are not honorable representatives of the people.

As I, and certainly others see it, Congressional Republicans are precipitously approaching the precipice. Some have already jumped by giving up on town hall meetings. Worse yet, others have accepted the MSN’s false storyline as the truth. Like the Battle of Kamdesh, COP Keating defenders, Republicans must decide if they are going to fight for what they believe in or seek refuge in the fragile security of the "beltway Swamp."

The false MSM repeatedly calls out anyone who dares to side with President Trump and not oppose him. The leftist media label these Trump allies enemies of the state and continually assaults their reputations. At the end of the day, if we fail to engage the people or stand up for something, we will fall for anything — and in this case, it will be falling for false narratives planned to keep Trump from satisfying his campaign promises, most important of which was to drain the swamp of those who would place their personal ambitions of power over a Constitutional America. The last statement tells the tale does it not? Their power over the peoples interests! 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Climate Change is Unsubstantuated Science

The secular progressives or as some say, the left have again aired their diminished capacity, which should prohibit them from leading anything, specifically a nation.  Is not the central line of reasoning supporting "climate change" that of scientific “consensus"? First, where is the consensus? It appears that politics have overshadowed science. Reality: there is no consensus.

Second, there have been numerous cases in the not too distant past where an empirical conclusion among scientists was touted as bank-on-it truth, but which later, after further examination, proved to be dead wrong. As with climate change, politicians and editorialists told us we had to accept the conclusions, related costs and possibly even diminished lifestyles to save the planet. After all, these were scientists and were thought by many to be as “close to God as secularists get.” In the 70’s were we not told that there was a scientific consensus that the world faced a new Ice Age because of Global Cooling?

In the early 80’s was there not "scientific consensus" that acid rain caused by electricity generating plants fueled by coal and emitting sulfur dioxide was destroying vast acres of forests and lakes in the eastern U.S.  Ten years and millions of tax dollars later, an assessment program study essentially concluded; acid rain was not damaging forests, did not hurt crops, and caused no measurable health problems.

Is climate change like believing in magic? Looking back over the last fifty years or so, the reliability of climate science is somewhat mystical. Judging by real statistics, biased opinions, fifty years of failed scientist consensus predictions and looking at those who stand to gain immense wealth from perpetrating this mystical doctrine, I conclude, it might just as well be magic or cabalism. Climate change is no more than a money maker for a few who desire to subjugate a population with unsubstantiated science.  

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tribute to D-Day Veterans

There are some days when commemorative blog posts come easy, when it just cascades. Then there are other days when there are so many ideas, so many things you want to say, hovering around your mind that the task of unifying them appears unachievable. It’s Tuesday evening, June 6th, 2017; The anniversary of what many consider to be the most important day in post 18th century history, I have but thoughts, not ideas on what to script.

The significance of giving voice on recent news worthy issues have the appearance of being diminutive today. The president’s proposed ban on immigration from select Muslim countries, record market gains, accusations of collusion by DC’s power elites, terrorist attacks in Europe, all which pales in comparison to what those 150,000 uniformed military personnel readily confronted 73 years ago.

Why am I telling you this? In view of the fact, I am long on thoughts but short on words. I desire to write about D-Day, but nothing would ever do justice to those amazing men and what they accomplished. What do you say about those soldiers, sailors and airman who ensured my and your ability to say it?

Facts: “D-Day was June 6, 1944. Over 150,000 troops from America, Britain, Canada, free France, Poland, and other nations landed along a 50-mile stretch of the Normandy coast of France. It was the largest amphibious invasion force in world history. On that day, the sea along the heavily fortified beaches of Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno, Sword and Pointe du Hoc ran red with the blood of almost 9,000 killed or wounded. It was a major turning point in World War II.”

Again, I ask you, the reader, how do you thank soldiers for going through hell so those who come after them will not have to follow in their footpaths? “Thank you” is the best I can come up with. First, I thank my father who, in his own words, “miraculously survived” the first assault wave on Omaha Beach. Second, I thank all D-Day Veterans for that "great and noble undertaking."    

Sunday, June 4, 2017

How Many More Die Before "Enough is Enough"

The resounding bang, the cinematic images, and the reverberations have become all too familiar. A boom, a burst of bright light– a detonation – horrorstruck screams of the expiring, injured and maimed. Last night, London, last week Manchester, tomorrow a city, town, or community near you.

In London, people were simply carrying on evening activities. In Manchester, what was intended to be an evening of melody and prolonged applause ended in slaughter of the guiltless. I do believe President Trump sums it up best "Horrific, horrific injuries. Terrible…Dozens of innocent people…savagely murdered in this heinous attack upon humanity." Fact: Innocent people were massacred by Islamic radicals - killed in the name of the religion of peace. 

In response – there have been candlelight vigils and calls for peace and understanding – but the Muslim jihadists do not want peace. They want death. The Islamic radicals will not stop until they have killed every last one of us - Christians, Jews, Gay, Straight, liberals, conservatives, feminists …You get my drift! Is it not time to wipe out this evil from the realm of the living? The time has come for nations around the world to stop appeasing the Islamists. Again, quoting Trump: “We must drive out the terrorists and extremists from our midst, obliterate this evil ideology, and protect and defend our citizens and people of the world," "All civilized nations must be united in this effort."

What our European Brethren have yet to do, we as Americas must do in order to make sure whatever is necessary to prevent American blood from being shed on American soil is executed. Yet, there are still apologists for the radical Islamists - from mayors of large cities to entertainment celebrities, to the halls of Congress. They seem to think we can win over the hearts and minds of the jihadists with flowers, hugs and boxes of candy. That sort of philosophy is not only foolish but perilous. How many more times must we have to listen to MSM commentators and anchors moralizing or sanctimoniously lecturing us about hastening to judgment? Let’s think about it! Was it Evangelical Protestants who fastened on backpacks filled with shrapnel and blew themselves up? Is it the Catholics who are decapitating innocent individuals? I may have missed the flight, but I don’t think it was Coptic Christians who flew jetliners into the Twin Towers. So, spare us the nondiscriminatory unbiased PC excrement. 

How many more innocent people must die at the hands of radical Muslims - butchered in the name of the religion of peace? How many more citizens of the world must be forfeited to satisfy the inhumanity of these pitiless barbarians? How many more times, America? How many more times Europe, How many more times World? How many more die before enough, is enough?