Monday, June 19, 2017

America's Future is Precipitously Approaching the Precipice

Admit defeat or fight, our America is at stake. It is apparent the leftist radicals and their MSM crusaders, have declared an unholy Jihad on President Trump and his supporters. Many moderates and some conservatives in the halls of Congress have been led to believe that staying silent will keep them out of the morass or quicksand of the DC swamp. As part of the electorate who put you and yours in office, I implore you to assail the left. Stand-up and contest this assault on the right. To do otherwise is a sure sign that you are not honorable representatives of the people.

As I, and certainly others see it, Congressional Republicans are precipitously approaching the precipice. Some have already jumped by giving up on town hall meetings. Worse yet, others have accepted the MSN’s false storyline as the truth. Like the Battle of Kamdesh, COP Keating defenders, Republicans must decide if they are going to fight for what they believe in or seek refuge in the fragile security of the "beltway Swamp."

The false MSM repeatedly calls out anyone who dares to side with President Trump and not oppose him. The leftist media label these Trump allies enemies of the state and continually assaults their reputations. At the end of the day, if we fail to engage the people or stand up for something, we will fall for anything — and in this case, it will be falling for false narratives planned to keep Trump from satisfying his campaign promises, most important of which was to drain the swamp of those who would place their personal ambitions of power over a Constitutional America. The last statement tells the tale does it not? Their power over the peoples interests! 

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