Sunday, June 4, 2017

How Many More Die Before "Enough is Enough"

The resounding bang, the cinematic images, and the reverberations have become all too familiar. A boom, a burst of bright light– a detonation – horrorstruck screams of the expiring, injured and maimed. Last night, London, last week Manchester, tomorrow a city, town, or community near you.

In London, people were simply carrying on evening activities. In Manchester, what was intended to be an evening of melody and prolonged applause ended in slaughter of the guiltless. I do believe President Trump sums it up best "Horrific, horrific injuries. Terrible…Dozens of innocent people…savagely murdered in this heinous attack upon humanity." Fact: Innocent people were massacred by Islamic radicals - killed in the name of the religion of peace. 

In response – there have been candlelight vigils and calls for peace and understanding – but the Muslim jihadists do not want peace. They want death. The Islamic radicals will not stop until they have killed every last one of us - Christians, Jews, Gay, Straight, liberals, conservatives, feminists …You get my drift! Is it not time to wipe out this evil from the realm of the living? The time has come for nations around the world to stop appeasing the Islamists. Again, quoting Trump: “We must drive out the terrorists and extremists from our midst, obliterate this evil ideology, and protect and defend our citizens and people of the world," "All civilized nations must be united in this effort."

What our European Brethren have yet to do, we as Americas must do in order to make sure whatever is necessary to prevent American blood from being shed on American soil is executed. Yet, there are still apologists for the radical Islamists - from mayors of large cities to entertainment celebrities, to the halls of Congress. They seem to think we can win over the hearts and minds of the jihadists with flowers, hugs and boxes of candy. That sort of philosophy is not only foolish but perilous. How many more times must we have to listen to MSM commentators and anchors moralizing or sanctimoniously lecturing us about hastening to judgment? Let’s think about it! Was it Evangelical Protestants who fastened on backpacks filled with shrapnel and blew themselves up? Is it the Catholics who are decapitating innocent individuals? I may have missed the flight, but I don’t think it was Coptic Christians who flew jetliners into the Twin Towers. So, spare us the nondiscriminatory unbiased PC excrement. 

How many more innocent people must die at the hands of radical Muslims - butchered in the name of the religion of peace? How many more citizens of the world must be forfeited to satisfy the inhumanity of these pitiless barbarians? How many more times, America? How many more times Europe, How many more times World? How many more die before enough, is enough?

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