Monday, February 12, 2018

Personal Thoughts on Trump's State of The Union Address

Was not President Trump’s extraordinary accomplishment at his first State of the Union address that left his critics behaviorally hamstrung and short on deportment eye-opening? America could clearly witness what conservatives have been saying for many years: The Democratic Party is no longer the devoted adversary. It’s plainly now just opposition to America. Their comportment, hissing like a cornered feral cat, acting like accomplishment was painful to them and displaying disdain on their faces, demonstrated to America who is for us and who is against us.
If one was watching the address on television, each success Trump announced was celebrated by the American people, and Democrats sat silent in response. If you feel better about jobs, your income, 401K or a tax cut, you saw Democrats sit against it.
Is not Detroit beginning to build cars again? Are not Japan and China and other nations opening plants in America? Is not American energy flowing again? Who could be against that, except Democrats? Americans witnessed that good news for America is bad news for our Democrat politicians. Citizens can see clearly now that success means failure to Democrats. The State of the Union showed Americans who support citizens and who support themselves only.
Did not Democrats shut down the government on the behalf of illegal aliens? Even Democrat voters started to wake up. Closing the government was not to benefit white workers, black workers, or Latino workers. The Democrats were willing to power down the government, hamstring our military, imperil national security and drastically increase our debt to secure the special treatment of non-citizen illegals. The government shutdown was a glimpse into the Democrats’ hearts. But their response at the State of the Union address was a peek into their dark soul. Trump stood for “America first.” Did not Democrats remain seated? 
There is a good bet that many liberals tuned into the speech, looking to be entertained by what the fake media described as an irrational man. Liberals witnessed firsthand his lucidity, courage, concern and love of country. Liberals observed a President in command of his faculties. Those liberals who watched the State of the Union Address, now understand Trump is fighting for them because they also want what is best in their lives. Now that the liberal sheep have seen the truth, they will not fall victim to the wolf in progressive clothing.
Did not both conservative and liberal observe the Democratic Party leaders fulminate at a tax cut? Did not they witness the Democrats disgust at more jobs? What did the viewers witness? They saw fake leaders who claim to fight for them, try hard to negotiate against them. We, the people now have a clear picture of the potential greatness of America and clearly see who the “Resistance” is.
We now have a clear choice: We can choose activists and marchers or producers and earners. We can either dismantle America or build it up. To be certain, America is amid a battle for their future. We are facing a great choice. Will the world be better if America is stronger or weaker? Do we walk behind or lead? Do we want to be great again or just one and the same? It is my opinion, the Democrat liberal-induced sheep are beginning to see the light of day. They are now beginning to realize the Democrat party is made up of a pack of wolves masquerading as shepherds.

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