Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Liberals Use of Behavioral Rewards

Tides of Tyranny: Liberals Use of Behavioral Rewards: Do we want to get our people off welfare and entitlements associated with welfare? Do we desire those in our population who are physically...

Liberals Use of Behavioral Rewards

Do we want to get our people off welfare and entitlements associated with welfare? Do we desire those in our population who are physically/mentally capable of working to be productively employed? The traditionalist among us would answer in the affirmative. The liberal, not so much. 

Bottom line; the American welfare system is a shell of what it was intended to be. It is broke. Behaviorist, B.F. Skinner once stated; “A behavior followed by a reinforcing stimulus results in an increased probability of that behavior occurring in the future.” In short, if you want someone to continue a behavioral pattern, reward it. Simplifying it, what gets rewarded gets done. Apparently, our government and those progressive partisan political party’s/organizations who feed off welfare recipients found this works in the political and social arenas. The current welfare policies/programs are not promoting the collective good but furthering their own ideological interests. That interest is political power.

While researching this post, I learned that minorities, most of which are black – who today vote 90-95 percent Democrat – until the 1960s voted overwhelmingly Republican. The reason? Simple. Democrats would not permit them to vote. However, in the 1960s, a radical shift occurred. Blacks who had voted prodigiously for Republicans now shifted to the Democratic Party, and the American media were primarily responsible.

The truth is, Republicans voted for both the Civil Rights Bill in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965 by much larger margins than the Democrats. However, as they were both signed into law by Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat who had no choice but to sign the bill, the national media parlayed that into a dramatic change of form within the Democratic Party from that of actual segregationists into liberal rights activists. One thing led to another over time, and the following scenario now becomes a prime example of this mentality.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: "Resistance" Facts Yesterday and Today Part 5 of 5...

Tides of Tyranny: "Resistance" Facts Yesterday and Today Part 5 of 5...: Did not in many cases during the Obama Presidency, U.S. citizens during his Administration found noncompliant with its agendas become targ...

"Resistance" Facts Yesterday and Today Part 5 of 5

Did not in many cases during the Obama Presidency, U.S. citizens during his Administration found noncompliant with its agendas become targets of the IRS for their political activity or monitored by the Justice Department? The latter included reporters from the Associated Press and Fox News. Many a journalist’s sources were prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917. In another case, a did not a filmmaker have his parole revoked and was scapegoated and jailed to advance a false administration narrative about the death of four Americans in Benghazi? Still others were surveilled by using fraudulent documents to obtain FISA court orders. Sound familiar?

Everyone should be keen to distinguish conspiracies from conspiracy theories. The above are real events, not the tales told by James Comey, the Resistance and the paranoid. In contrast, unhinged conspiracy theorists, for example, might obsess yet again over the machinations of multibillionaire and leftist globalist, not so imaginary bogeyman George Soros, and float a trumped-up tale that he would fly to Davos to assure the global elite that he considers President Trump a danger to the world, while reassuring them that the American president was a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner.  

Based on recent events, I am of the opinion the resistance is a collaboration of those, whose intent is to preserve their influence, wealth and power to the detriment of America’s citizenry and thus, the Republic. If one has eyes to see and ears to hear it becomes evident that Democrats, former Hill Staffers, Leftist Media outlets, Deep State operatives and globalists have orchestrated, recognizably, the earliest resistance movement ever to greet, harass and hamper a new president….and we who support Trump must continue to fight the good fight and defeat the resistance in order to MAGA and put America's citizens first. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

"Resistance" Facts Yesterday and Today Part 4 of 5

What better way for the "Resistance" to derail a presidency than to allow a blank-check special counsel to search out alleged criminal activity on the part of the president. Have we not seen former FBI Director James Comey confess that he deliberately leaked (possibly illegally), confidential notes of a meeting with President Trump, to the media? Now, was this leaked with the expressed intent of creating a scandal requiring a special counsel? And, who was that Special Counsel? None other than a close friend, former FBI Director Robert Mueller. Was the appointment of Mueller, coincidence, divine providence or "Deep State" driven? 

To facilitate those efforts, did not the Special Counsel appoint to his team several lawyers who despised the very target of the investigation? Is it not fact, that many special investigators had donated generously to the campaign of Trump's past presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton? Additionally, did not one of these appointed special investigators previously work for the Clinton Foundation? By all appearances, the FBI surreptitiously trafficked a fraudulent document funded by the Clinton campaign to prove Donald Trump and members of his team were dangers to the Republic, thus requiring surveillance under FISA court warrants. Was not the ensuing surveillance disseminated among Obama Administration officials, with the likely intent that names would be unmasked and leaked to the "Fake News" (MSM, yellow journalism, hoax websites), in efforts to discredit Trump campaign, and later the Trump transition and presidency? Did not a top ranking official of the DOJ personally consult the authors of the smear dossier in efforts to ensure that its contents would become useful and known? In fact, all this and more has already transpired and continues  as of this post. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

"Resistance" Facts Yesterday and Today Part 3 of 5

Does not, Control the Media, Control the Narrative equate to a Semi-Serious Coup d'etat? Furthermore, is control of the media an essential to abort a leader’s term? Ideally, a resistance should hope to so influence or enlist popular and established Fourth Estate channels to ensure that 90 percent of all coverage of the president would be classified as negative. This being the case, have not journalists, correspondents and commentators purveyed, publicized and peddled ranging from stories that the president deliberately phoned and threatened invasion, or in racist fashion had insulted minorities by removing the bust of a black civil rights icon from the West Wing? Have not some media personalities used on-air obscenities in expressing their loathing of the president, in efforts to normalize the once abnormal? The more imaginary of the Fourth Estate would ponder the need to jettison disinterested reporting, claiming the peril that accompanies Trump justifies prejudiced coverage. The deep-state media might brand as believable a fake-news, tell-all book about the secret and private lives of the Trump inner circle. Might the resistance stoop low enough to suggest an illicit relationship involving a porn star and the president is creditable and might call into question or cast a shadow on the relevance of 2016’s Presidential election?