Monday, April 16, 2018

"Resistance" Facts Yesterday and Today Part 5 of 5

Did not in many cases during the Obama Presidency, U.S. citizens during his Administration found noncompliant with its agendas become targets of the IRS for their political activity or monitored by the Justice Department? The latter included reporters from the Associated Press and Fox News. Many a journalist’s sources were prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917. In another case, a did not a filmmaker have his parole revoked and was scapegoated and jailed to advance a false administration narrative about the death of four Americans in Benghazi? Still others were surveilled by using fraudulent documents to obtain FISA court orders. Sound familiar?

Everyone should be keen to distinguish conspiracies from conspiracy theories. The above are real events, not the tales told by James Comey, the Resistance and the paranoid. In contrast, unhinged conspiracy theorists, for example, might obsess yet again over the machinations of multibillionaire and leftist globalist, not so imaginary bogeyman George Soros, and float a trumped-up tale that he would fly to Davos to assure the global elite that he considers President Trump a danger to the world, while reassuring them that the American president was a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner.  

Based on recent events, I am of the opinion the resistance is a collaboration of those, whose intent is to preserve their influence, wealth and power to the detriment of America’s citizenry and thus, the Republic. If one has eyes to see and ears to hear it becomes evident that Democrats, former Hill Staffers, Leftist Media outlets, Deep State operatives and globalists have orchestrated, recognizably, the earliest resistance movement ever to greet, harass and hamper a new president….and we who support Trump must continue to fight the good fight and defeat the resistance in order to MAGA and put America's citizens first. 

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